Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: HOME

      It took us more than a dozen hours in the air -- and a very weird time difference. (London is seven hours ahead of Colorado.) But we finally made it home. 
     The Heathrow airport was nearly deserted; only TWELVE PEOPLE, including us, were on a very large jumbo jet. (Made for reasonable service -- and comfortable seats.) Newark airport looked a little deserted -- until flights unloaded. All but one of the restaurants and shops were closed; our flight to Denver was half-full. (With convenient spaces in between for 'social distancing.')
     In case you're wondering, we kept our masks on. 
     Daughter #2 and Son #1 met us at DIA, driving the truck, with a load of groceries and the dogs in the back. (Charley and Ruby were very puzzled by Mom and Dad's odd-looking faces.) We'll stay at the trailer for a two-week quarantine, per Colorado recommendations.
    Groceries are stashed, suitcases nearly all unpacked and put away, and the last load of clothes is banging away in the dryer. (The Brick had to unclog the sewer drain after the first washerload flooded all over, poor guy.) Charley and Rubes are thrilled to roam around the field by the trailer, sniffing and barking at the deer.
    I must have picked up something from one of our fellow passengers -- I don't think it's coronavirus...but it is the flu. 
     Time to rest up, for both of us.  

New York and New Jersey airports have the highest incidence of employees testing positve for coronavirus. Oh goody -- Newark airport, where we were on Sunday, has the second-highest total.

IKEA's yummy meatballs -- now you can make them for yourself! Or...

How about Mongolian beef -- in the slow-cooker?
Will the stock market explode, once the pandemic is over? Some sources think so...

Long-term food storage -- starting your own prepper pantry.  (From Thrifty Mom in Boise)

Frugal ways to save, from all over the world -- including Nevada.  (Thanks, Prudent Homemaker -- make sure to read the more than 150 comments, as well.)

Cinnamon raisin granola -- no nuts. All homemade!  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

The weather is lovely -- beautiful bright blue skies with wind to push the clouds by. We even got some overcast skies...and rain, a rarity around here. 

Have a great, restful week yourself.


kerrykatiecakes2 said...

Glad to hear you got home safe and sound!

Unknown said...

So glad you made it back home.

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks, Dears...and those who commented on Facebook, too.

It's very nice to be home.

Don't Get Discouraged...

 one was too big, one was too small...