Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Dealing With All This

     It's now been one week since we managed to get home from London. True to form, Virgin Atlantic finally tried to reschedule our plane tickets.... this coming Saturday, May 2. Not only would we have had to stay two more weeks (after we'd already stayed for an extra week, because of them)...this is very close to the original tickets' leaving date.
     Needless to say, it's not going to work. The Brick is fighting it out with them at present.

Does this whole affair make you want to just bang your head against the wall?? Yes, it would even more, if we didn't live in one of the quietest, most peaceful parts of Colorado. Every morning, we wake to a beautiful field, often graced with deer. (Which Ruby the dog immediately tells off.) The beginnings of the Front Range frame the view. Just lovely.
     I've been fighting off some strange flu I seem to have picked up on the airport -- it's not Covid-19 (wrong symptoms), but I have been dealing with a headache and this strange lassitude. Is it dealing with the altitude change? (We're re-adjusting to more than 6250 ft., after all.) Is it just a response to change - period? Or good old-fashioned flu? 
     At least it's getting better. 
     We did get suitcases emptied, and some other items cleared up and put away. We have one more week in quarantine, and plan to use it to clear out more things, including stuff left in our friend's garage...and some other chores. Don't worry -- we won't be leaving -- and we'll keep our distance from people here. But it's time to get more work done.


Joe Diffie just died from the effects of Covid-19. You've probably heard this incredible singer, but he hasn't generally been one of the most famous, although his songs have been recorded by others, as well. I love his work for its humor and honesty.

So celebrities who make 'concerned' videos about staying home and doing your part to avoid Covid-19...are following their own instructions. Right? Jlo is leading the way...

Handling the coronavirus situation if you're a well-known artist...does it inspire you, or shut you down? Or do you make something of it...literally?  (From Artnet news)

Lessons from rich people who took advantage of free government money.  (From Financial Samurai)

The ten best index funds to invest in. (A post is coming on this subject soon.)

Some truly weird (and wonderful!) recreations of famous paintings -- using pets. Girl  (or should I say white-faced Dog) with a Pearl Earring is my own favorite...

Twelve restaurant favorites -- made at home, instead.  (Thanks, Betty Crocker)

Hotel specialities to also make at home -- including Doubletree's amazing chocolate chip cookies. (Hint: they're part oatmeal, as well. Thanks, Frommers.)

Do poor people deserve what happens to them? Or not? An older article, but still a relevant discussion.  (From Get Rich Slowly) Another great one by J.D. Roth:

Practical ideas on how to get out of debt.

Will the stock market explode, once the pandemic is over? Some sources think so...

Getting pissed off about facemasks? Welcome to yet another way to gripe, and think you're doing the person a service.  (P.S. You aren't. From Life After Money)

Best renter design hacks. (And she's actually tried them. Thanks, Emily Henderson)

Did President Trump REALLY urge people to inject disinfectant into their lungs? The evidence says no, though his explanation was definitely a tad awkward. And he was talking about UV light therapy. (Tell that to Nancy Pelosi.)

And for those of you who saw Facebook's insider's look at Grand Rapids' Gerald R. Ford International Airport (hi, Cousin Jake!):

Here's a brief look at GRR's Snow Wolf in action at the airport.

Looks like fun.

I just found out about this -- you probably knew it already, but:

CNN settled the lawsuit from Nick Sandmann. Yep, the kid who stood firm while a Native Protester drummed in his face. Lawsuits against NBC and the Washington Post are still ongoing, though the Post's lawsuit has been amended somewhat.
     Will we ever hear how much CNN had to pay? I doubt it.

The 40 most valuable items discussed on Antiques Roadshow. (Actually, I think more $$$ items have been covered now, but...)

Some Good News with John Krasinski. We've admired this guy for his amazing movie A Quiet Place, though more people probably know him for his work in The Office. Either way, he's an encouragement. The link will take you to his channel -- or just watch him here.

Have a great week and stay safe.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

I clicked on the link above asking if poor people deserve what happens to them? No. They don't deserve what happens but if they stay poor, it is their choice.
We as a family have been reading the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and it has really changed our family discussions. We are seeing how each one of us (all adults now) has made the wrong choices. We are all trying to change that. It is a good book.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.