We've had a few cool days, and some welcome rain showers, but mostly it's been hot & sticky. Perfect weather to sit in front of a computer, two heavily-furred dogs crouching underneath the table. (After all, it's THUNDERING.) We've gone to t-shirts, jeans and shorts, and iced coffee.
I only wish our friend had a swimming pool. We've got local ones, but due to Covid-19, you have to be a resident of that neighborhood, and sign up ahead of time. Or so I'm told. Things may be changing -- I just heard today that our local libraries are open -- all the way -- Monday the 30th! Now, if the movie theaters reopen, too, I'll believe life may be trying to get back to normal.
Whatever that is.
No eggs, milk or butter -- and still a delicious cake? Yes, if you make Italian water cake.
A look at police reform and 'disbanding' in action. Two cities are contrasted: Camden and Newark, NJ. Some excellent points here on training and approach, what may work -- and what definitely hasn't. I was a little puzzled, though, by Camden's characterization as a disbanded force -- when it was reformed right after. I don't think that's what the BLM activists are hoping for...more in terms of no police at all. Period. (I know. Cynical me.)
Shaun King, one of my favorite arbiters of truth and justice, thinks we should remove all vestiges of Jesus. The white Jesus. Not because he follows Him - -because he doesn't -- but because they're just another example of Whitey. "Racist propaganda." "White supremacy." King also uses death threats sent to him as 'proof' that he's on to something here. (Oh, and there's a conspiracy of Long Beach cops plotting to kill him.)
I have four questions:
*First, why in the world do people send death threats?!? They prove nothing -- they say more about the person who threatens, rather than the threatee.
*After decades of living with, seeing, and being aware of Jesus Christ as pictured in the world's art, why is this suddenly so important to King? (I agree with him on one point: that Christ wasn't lily-white. Because He wasn't. He, as a Jew, most probably had darker skin.)
*Is King doing it for publicity (and to get in with the BLM people), more than he sees it as a serious problem? (Also, since other statues are coming down, his demand doesn't seem so outrageous. Other public figures are saying it's ok. Why can't he tell people what to do, too?)
*Is he bringing it up to turn attention away from his own actions, currently under scrutiny?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Ashton Kucher's commencement speech to University of Iowa graduates. Note the casual dress - the simple, straightforward ideas - and his intensity. I am a big admirer of this guy. (See below for an even better speech.)
Using your interest in art to keep yourself sane. I've been so grateful for its influence in my life, especially now. (From Connections by Karen Musgrave)
Michigan jobs aren't always filled -- because workers can make more by staying unemployed. We've seen this happening in Colorado; one manager told me it has been a serious problem. And yet -- why work, when you get paid more for not working?
The kicker, of course, is what you do when the unemployment benefits run out. That will happen for many in July, unless the government extends them. (I'm betting they will.)
One Oregon county issues an order: everyone has to wear facemasks -- except black ("non-white") people. They've since changed their minds, or at least reworded the order to make it less confusing. It still is. (On the other hand, it will continue to be confusing, regardless of how they phrase it.)
Muhammad Ali Jr. holds forth -- what would his dad have thought about Black Lives Matter?
A look at dinosaurs in Australia -- including a herd of dinos discovered in an opal mine in 2019. Yes, opalized dinosaurs! Speaking of this:
A 10-year-old literally stumbles across an incredible find near Los Cruces, NM.
A new (to me) blog I've been enjoying -- Wealth Well Done. See what you think.
The footage of a woman arrested on a beach in New Jersey -- and now the bodycam footage of the policeman arresting her is included. See what you think. Who hit who first? Did the bodycam footage change your mind any?
Waterzooi -- don't try to say it, just make it. Allrecipes will help.
Some very funny news fails -- including a strange (semi) haircut, and a guy who acts like a goat.
Here's why you should glue coins to your kids (or your) shoes. Brilliant -- and frugal.
The Alaska bus that was a primary focus of "Into the Wild" has been removed.
Note: read the book, instead of seeing the movie. It explains a lot more.
Hidden messages in six famous paintings. (From How It Works)
An interesting obituary...for one of the New York Post's entertainment editors.
The richest heirs and heiresses in America. Chevy Chase? Edward Norton?
Ashton Kucher's speech at the Teen Choice Awards. Straightforward, matter-of-fact and totally amazing.
Have a great week. Get lots of work done. Really.