Sunday, June 7, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: History Repeats Itself

All this past week, while the George Floyd protests and riots -- and protests -- and riots -- continued, I've been working on my new book, about Colorado's oddities. People, places and events. 
The Indian wars in Colorado in the 1860s are eerily like what's been happening lately. One side commits an atrocity -- then the other side responds with its own horrible actions. Good people are stuck on either side, viewing with horror what they cannot seem to stop. Noble and kind actions are quickly erased or forgotten by the bad ones.

     Sound familiar? 

Yes, the Sand Creek Massacre was a travesty. But so was the Hungate Massacre before it, as well as other murders and thefts that weren't as well-known. (So they got no official title.) 
     Were Native Americans treated badly? Yes. Did they steal, kill, mutilate, kidnap and rape? Yes. Was it done to them, as well? (And not just by soldiers -- by other tribes, too.) Also a resounding yes.
     It got to the point that I was crouched over the computer, looking at George Floyd's memorial service photos... and reading about the mangled bodies of the Dietemanns, who were killed four years after the Hungates  (by Indians -- Arapaho or Cheyenne or both)... and the Indian women who were killed and gutted at the Big Sandy Creek, their private parts used as hatbands. 
     I could do nothing but sob. Why have people been -- and still are -- so evil? Haven't we learned anything from thousands of years of violence to ALL people, all colors included?

As a Christian, I know the answer. This is a fallen world. Things happen. There are still good people out there, but they must be feeling the same disgust and horror, watching all this. And wishing they could make it stop. Thank God sometimes they can help.

* * * * * **

George Floyd's family will be receiving more than $13,000,000, thanks to Gofundme accounts. Money never makes up for someone's death, but at least they will have enough for traveling expenses and funeral costs. His six-year-old daughter has her own Gofundme, to the tune of nearly $2 million. I would not be surprised at all if they collect more money from the Minneapolis police department, as well.

Meanwhile, the Minneapolis City Council voted to disband the city police department. Instead, Council President Lisa Bender said they'll be going for a "broader, more holistic public safety department geared toward violence prevention and community services. Social workers or medics could respond to situations once handled by police."

   Good luck with that. Be careful what you wish for -- you may get it. 


Elmer Fudd will no longer be able to carry a gun, in pursuit of the "wascally wabbit." The old Bugs Bunny cartoons promoted gun violence in America, according to the company.

Stylist Law Roach is hoping for more black fashion designers -- and willing to put his money into a fund to help. Great! Anyone who puts his/her money where their mouth is, so to speak (!!!) is ok by me.

A Houston cop comforts a little girl who asks if she's going to be shot. That's the kind of police I believe in.

The Owosso, Michigan barber can reopen -- the Michigan Supreme Court unamimously upheld his appeal.  Will the attorney general's office even bother with an appeal, even if they're saying they will? After all, Michigan barbershops and salons can reopen June 15.

     Meanwhile, that good and consistent Governor Whitmer is following her own strict guidelines -- by marching shoulder to shoulder during a George Floyd protest.  Her legislators noticed, too. "Social distancing is critical to stop the spread of Covid-19 -- unless you have a great photo op," said one.
    At least she had a mask on. I do love that woman's machinations. Not being black herself, though, she may be out of luck as a VP candidate for Joe Biden.
     Wait a minute. If that's true...if you're chosen in part for your skin color... isn't that racism?

Housing sales are down -- only 4 Manhattan homes worth $4 million or more sold last week. Oh boo-dee-hoo-hoo, as Roy would say:

Part-time jobs for retirees -- over 55ers are encouraged to apply for these jobs that can be done over the internet.

'Armed citizen patrols' keep looting from happening in Idaho. And the peaceful protesters are allowed to continue. Why not?

New footage covering George Floyd's arrest. Why haven't we heard before about the two people also in the car? (It seems possible that one of them was actually the person who tried to pass the bogus $20 bill. Who knows.)

What happened to Tank Man after Tiananmen Square? Where is he today?

Paranormal events the U.S. military experienced while in Afghanistan. (From We Are the Mighty)

One can of pop + one package of cakemix = cupcakes!  (From Poor Girl Eats Well)

Renaissance paintings with blue pigment are showing unusual damage. Ultramarine' can go from a deep blue to gray in just months. Is it an environmental change...or is their time just up?

Homemade cream cheese. Yum.  (From Full Bellies, Happy Kids)

Con-Ed workers in NYC use a digger to stop looters from making off with bags and bags of Gucci.  Good for them.

Is there a Nazi treasure out there that can be located with the help of a war diary found recently?

Where are the protests for David Dom? The retired St. Louis cop was murdered by a looter while trying to protect his friend's pawnshop. At least there's someone in custody now for his killing. True to form, it's a young black man in his twenties. Oh, and he's a convicted felon, and a tv from the pawnshop was found in his apartment. Gee, when have we seen this before...

A better-fitting facemask... courtesy of old friend Ami Simms. Which will come in handy, since:

The World Health Organization changed its mind -- now facemasks are recommended, after all. 

A mansion for sale -- with a full-sized 'Christmas village' in the basement, complete with cobblestone streets. Really.

How to turn a closet into an office nook. Gee, I wish we had an extra closet!  (From Apartment Therapy)

The little boy that finds turnabout is fair play:

Ten mysterious discoveries that still baffle archeologists. From my old favorite, Listverse.

Fourteen helpful tips for do-it-yourselfers.  (From Family Handyman)

What a strange mix of info this week -- then again, it's not been the most normal of times. A friend (I had considered her a dear friend) pointed out that my blogposts were stupid, banal and boring. A little strange and weird sometimes? Definitely. (It's getting bad when even I notice this.) 
    You'll have to decide on the rest of the adjectives. Meanwhile, back to work.

Have a better week.


Alison said...

Living in Michigan. Governor Witchmer. Even Mussolini made the trains run on time and she will fix the "damn" roads while she keeps everyone from working. She is, at this time, the WORST THING to ever happen to Michigan economy even incuding COVID-19.

Cindy Brick said...

Our many friends and family members in Michigan would agree with you, Alison. We did notice, the last time we were visiting, that the "damn" roads weren't much better than they were before. Ah well.

She says that the majority of Michiganders agree with her policies. (That's a direct quote.) I wonder who she's been talking with, to get that impression... because NOT ONE of the many people we know -- and are related to -- in the Mitten State agree with her decrees.

Go figure.

Thanks for writing.

Auntie Carolyn said...

You do know me and we are related. I fully support her, like her decrees and would vote for her again. I think most of my mid-mitten friends do too. Auntie Carolyn

Cindy Brick said...

Auntie dear, you are the first relative/friend I have heard to say this. Honest. You would be in the minority in Grand Rapids and places north... but thank you very much for saying it. I would be a lot more open to her restrictions, if she herself followed them consistently. Which even you must admit -- that she doesn't.

Thank you for pointing this out, though. If the majority of Michiganders do agree with her, she'll have no problem being reelected as governor. It will be interesting to see if that happens.

Glad you said something. Thanks for writing.


  Maybe Ruby needs this, too.  (Naaah, her bark's terrifying enough. Ask the 'evil UPS man.')