Monday, November 2, 2020

Another Great One Is Gone

 Sean Connery, the great James Bond prototype, died on Oct. 31, peacefully in his sleep. He was 90.

After his death, several unusual articles popped up about Connery, including:

*Pictures from his career, which spanned several decades.

*Unusual facts about him -- he was a huge supporter of Scottish independence, yet accepted a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth in 2000. BUT he accepted it in full Scottish regalia, including MacLeod tartan. And of course, a kilt!

I have a soft spot in my heart for this man -- 
he looked a great deal like my much-loved dad.

*Establishing his residence in the Bahamas, rather than the U.K., where he paid 90% tax, let him pick and choose whatever projects he wanted to do. His final estate is said to be modest -- but will be enough to keep his widow comfortably, just as it was in his lifetime. Good for him!

*His last movie was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -- a failure at the box office, but kind of fun for anyone with a literary bent. He made many others, but retired in 2000.

*His first acting experience was as one of the resident Navy guys in South Pacific -- the play, not the movie. (Actually, it wasn't acting -- he'd spent three years in the British Navy.)

*Yes, he'd been married more than once -- but his 'latest' marriage lasted more than 45 years. 

All photos from Listverse post mentioned earlier

Rest in peace, Sir Connery. 

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