Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Planetary Moves

 This week -- or at least for a few more days, until Mercury 'disappears' -- you can technically see all of the planets in the nighttime sky. You'll need binoculars or a telescope for Neptune, Uranus and possibly Pluto, but the others can be seen with the naked eye. Mercury, however, has a faster revolution around the sun, so won't be here long. 

Why? Because according to astronomers, the planets are currently all on the same side of the solar system -- with Earth in the middle of the cluster.

Here's where to look. Quick, before one or more 'go away,' so to speak.

Patricia Tokarz chart, via Pinterest - purchase it at her Redbubble shop.

Jupiter and Saturn are also lined up, and will generally stay that way until Christmastime, until they form the 'Great Conjunction' Dec. 21st. On that date, they will appear closer together than any time since JULY 16, 1623. (Yes, you read that right.)

What could this mean, astrologically-speaking? Let's put it this way: weird stuff. According to Astrology King:

"Jupiter conjunct Saturn is also known as the Great Conjunction that happens on average every 19 years. Throughout history, it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and great people. Some believe that the biblical “Star of Bethlehem” was the great conjunction of 7 B.C. [1]

According to astrologer Daniel T. Ferrera, when a great conjunction occurs during an election or inauguration year, the president is likely to die in office,,, this has been the case since 1940, except for the last two great conjunctions. However, there were assassination attempts against both those presidents."

On the other hand:

"Jupiter conjunct Saturn transit is a time of opportunity, growth and good fortune...

"You may find barriers to your progress which you need to climb over or go around. But if you have planned well, are self-employed or have a lot of freedom, you could grow within the existing structures of your life,,,

"This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are."

Darkstar Astrology calls the event "The Great Leveller" in the battle between good and evil. Jupiter represents the Great Leader, while Saturn is, you guessed it: Satan. Who gets helped -- and who doesn't -- is unclear, though according to Darkstar, the bad guy has the edge.

Also a bit wacky. But hey, it has been a very difficult year for the world, in general. At this point, anything could be possible.

'Celestrial' photo by wboland on Flickr - via Pinterest


Creatively Living in Peace with God said...

I hope I will be able to see the meteor showers I read that were going to happen this month! Cool article!

Cindy Brick said...

Thank you for your kind comment! I'm hoping, also...but the longer we stay in this part of Michigan, the less chance we get to see anything but clouds.

Thanks so much for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.