Sunday, November 8, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way To Other Stuff: The Election, Covid and Who Knows What Else

 Yes, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the presidential election. Good luck to him. (There are still questions that need to be answered, though.)

Now's the time for President Trump and VP Pence to finish up. You've got three months to do your jobs, guys. Go to it! 

We're still here in Michigan, looking out at The Mama's field. It's a pretty place when the sun is shining...a little dreary, otherwise. But I'm guessing that's our sunshine-loving Colorado genes talking. 

Covid-19 is still on our minds, particularly here. Michigan has new restrictions, thanks to Governor Whitmer's continuing influence. Restaurants are still dine-in...sort of. Now their capacity is much more restricted -- and if you eat there, you must also provide your name and contact info. If you then test positive, the state will be contacting everyone around you and making them quarantine, as well.

Can you imagine what a nightmare that's going to be for restaurants, keeping track of this info? 

Family and friends we know here are saying forget it -- either they'll continue to use takeout, or they won't patronize the restaurants at all. Eating places in Michigan have been going through hard times, anyways...this is just going to make it worse. 

People here are back to stockpiling somewhat -- every cart we saw going out of Sam's Club last week included a very large package of toilet paper. (Ours, too.) I have plenty of nonperishable foods, and quite a lot of sale meat in The Mama's freezer. We should be fine. 

We hear that we'll see similar situations in Colorado, once we head back in a few weeks. The ski resorts are facing this, as well.

On to better news:

The Buffs beat UCLA 48-42! Whoo hoo!

Go Ralphie! CU's mascot strikes again

As for Michigan's loss to Indiana...well, I don't want to talk about it.

If you're a veteran -- or related to one -- Wed, Nov. 11, is Veteran's Day...and a perfect chance to get free meals and other discounts. My dad was in Army, and the Brick's father was career Navy. His brothers were career Navy and Air Force; the Brick put in 6 years himself in the Navy. So we know this viewpoint well.

Another way to celebrate All Souls Day.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

How the top female winner in Jeopardy! spent her winnings. Julia Collins' advice could also help anyone who gets a windfall, as well.

A blog I've been enjoying lately: Mama's Mercantile. Homey, thrift-shoppity, etc.

Listverse's top 50 jokes. (Warning: a fair amount of these are connected with toilets and sex. But they are funny!)

Pierre Simonet died. What -- you don't recognize his name? He was one of three prominent figures in the French Resistance during WWII. Simonet was 99; he joined the cause at age 17.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has cashed in MORE THAN $3 BILLION of his shares this year. Yes, they're risen in value considerably, but...what does that tell you??

A startling opinion from the Wall Street Journal editorial board -- the party's over, President-Elect Biden. Now the rough stuff begins.

Now that she's been reelected (with a comfortable margin), Nancy Pelosi may find that being Speaker of the House again may not be quiiiiite as easy. (Ask AOC what she thinks about this.)

Which is a better investment: real estate or stocks?  Financial Samurai weighs in.

If you're thinking of moving to Canada, now that your favorite candidate didn't win -- it's not going to be easy.  Even though celebs make this threat all the time.   (They usually don't do it, anyways.)

"Now that's what I call financial independence:" rude, but some good sense here, as well.  (From the Escape Artist)

Just a reminder, in case you missed it:  Five presidents who won, even though they lost the popular vote. (No, I'm not saying this is going to happen in Trump's case -- even though it did, in his first term.)

Do woolly mammoths still live on Earth? Some accounts suggest they do.  (From Mysterious Universe) This is strange, too --

A snake eel rips through its eater's throat, while the heron is flyingWho will survive?

A wide mix of Halloween-themed dinner items, hosted by Hikendip.  Including Creepy Eye Pies by Not Quite Nigella.

    These 'Creepy Eye' tarts are fascinating...and unnerving!

Election cake -- a brief history and recipe.

25 places people keep disappearing from.

So much for political polls being accurate -- and they know it.

How to make money self-publishing romance novels. The best sellers: interracial romances! Why? I have no idea.  (From Making Sense of Cents)

Stocking stuffer ideas for teenaged boys and men.  (From My Abundant Life)

Two whale watchers nearly get the Jonah experience.  Fortunately, the only fatalities were a pair of lost car keys.

The top ten spookiest submarines. A Listverse classic.

How to stock your pantry for the holidays. Some good quick recipes, too.  (From Thistlewood Farms)

The red ghost of the Southwest.  A spooky true story.

One of the most unusual wreaths I've ever seen -- an American Eagle wreath! (Click on the highlighted area to order one; they're on sale right now.)

Settlements around the world that were flooded. Occasionally some of them reappear. (Also from Listverse)

A mirror hanging in the bathroom for 40 years turns out to have belonged to Marie Antoinette.

A whale's tail saves a crashed train from falling!  Vreemd, maar waar. 

And a parting quote from the New York Post:

Mainstream media outlets often suggest America’s COVID woes are worse than elsewhere, but the truth is “the virus is out of control in much of the world,” especially Europe, reports Alex Berezow at the American Council on Science and Health’s Web site. Sweden experimented with a “laissez-faire approach” during the summer but was unable to avoid a severe second wave. Belgium’s cases are off the charts, and even “countries that once had the virus under control, like France, Italy and the UK. ” We tend to think that “the US is somehow uniquely bad in terms of controlling the coronavirus,” but our stats are “not unusual” compared to Europe. That doesn’t mean “the American response was flawless.” But it’s comforting to “put things into context.”

 Instead of horrible political commercials on tv, we are now inundated with spokesmen shilling Medicare Part B plans (Joe Namath, what were you thinking??) and various medications whose side effects are nearly as bad as the disease they treat. We may go back to a no-news/no regular stations approach, though the Insp channel, our favorite because of its many cowboy shows, is stuffed with this kind of advertising. I'd happily retreat to our favorite DVDs...but The Mama is not fond of mysteries or science fiction, some of our favorites. At least she likes Westerns. 

I keep reminding myself: God is good -- all the time. All the time -- God is good.

Have a great week. 

...and get myself in big trouble sometimes
because of it...

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