Monday, February 8, 2021

A Red-And-White Quilt For A Cold Winter's Night

 Karen Hadfield was kind enough to send me this photo of a quilt in Brickworks' collection, taken "sometime in the 1990s" at her shop then, the Quilted Corners.

(That's yours truly in the background, looking distracted and pondering something. Who knows what.)

Do you know what this pattern is?

Turkey red -- and white muslin, of course.

Pieced -- the triangles are stitched to the red to make feathered 'points,' then white muslin curved melon shapes fill in the space. Hand pieced. (It's actually easier that way, because you can "fudge.")

Hand quilted. But then, you figured that. 1890s.

Yes, it's a Feathered Star variation. (Notice the pinwheels at the tip of each star point?) 

Some call it Pine Burr. But you know what name I like best for it?

World Without End.

For you Baptist...or Methodist...or Lutheran... or other...quilters, it was named after the famous doxology: "World without end, Amen, Amen."

I'm pretty sure George Strait's song was influenced by this hymn, as well.

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