Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Monday (ok, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Arizona, We Are Here

     We spent the weekend in Phoenix, watching a good friend get married. His wife is a wonderful, kind woman, and I have no doubt they'll have many happy years together. 

    The trip to get there, though, had several interesting happenings, including a DEF system breakdown on the truck. That controls emissions, but not the truck's performance. Technically, the truck (our RAM3500) could have kept going -- but the computer automatically would have limited our speed to 5 MILES AN HOUR. (I am not making this up.) And it told us it was going to do this in less than 200 miles. (We were out in New Mexico boonies at the time.)

     With about 30 miles left, we made it to Albuquerque for an emergency stop at the dealer. Two hours and $350 later, we finally got going -- only to get trapped in a two-hour traffic jam. That put us into Mesa, a Phoenix suburb, at 1 a.m. While heading for our parking spot, an overhanging tree branch caught the awning and nearly ripped the awning off. We had to take the rest off the next morning -- another 3 or so hours used up. 

     And THAT got us into Phoenix, but far later than we'd planned. After a while, I was just grateful we'd made it at all. At least we didn't miss the wedding.

Surviving on rats, conch meat and coconuts for 33 days on a desert island. 

Dozens of celebrities attend the Google Summit, and call for more decisions affecting climate change -- including signing a letter urging President Biden to shut down another pipeline. Noble, right?

    Ask how they got there, what they're driving...and how much they're paying for hotel rooms. Shades of John Kerry.

About a zillion candy recipes -- perfect for winter nights. (From Taste of Home)

A close-up look at the aftereffects of an avalanche in Utah. We get these in Colorado, too -- including right onto the highway. Scary.

Fascinating facts about Jay Leno -- including some very smooth financial moves.

Forty things learned in forty years. (from Nomad Numbers)

The New Yorker's insider look at Mr. Money Mustache.

How to negotiate your rent -- down!  (Some good tips on booking Airbnbs, too. From Millenial Revolution)

Buying a hoarder's home may be a mess -- but who knows what you'll find...

Becoming a frugalvore. LOTS of tips here.  (From Surviving and Thriving) Donna's take on quarantine soup is excellent, too.

An interesting millionaire/retirement interview...I enjoy these very much, even if they're working with a lot more money than the Brick and I have available.  (From ESI Money)

A Really Good Idea: if your income was much lower in 2020 than the year before, get your taxes done -- stat! It looks increasingly probably that people with incomes more than $50,000 will be excluded from this latest round of stimulus checks. BUT their eligibility is based on the latest tax return. See why doing your 2020 taxes early is the smart thing to do? (After I wrote this, possibilities strengthened that the income cutoff would go back to $75,000 instead. But just in case...)

Have a good week. 


Jeannie said...

You always have the best links. When I check your blog, I get lost on the internet all day long. Didn't like the avalanche - too scary. "Surviving and Thriving" has been bookmarked.


Cindy Brick said...

Jeannie, you are so kind...thank you. I do try to range all over to find those links, so I really appreciate you (and others) using them.

Unfortunately, Colorado's had several avalanches this season, and more than a few fatalities. The saddest was recent, with a father and son snowmobiling. The avalanche took them both, but buried the dad, who was dying when the son tried to dig him out -- he couldn't and went for help. By the time he got back, Dad was dead. Sad.

thanks so much for writing.

Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries