Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Moving On Up (Actually Down)

 Still snow on the ground...but not much. We have just a few more things to do, then are heading south. We need to be in the Phoenix area by Saturday for our 'landlord's wedding festivities.

It's snowy landscapes like this that make me grateful for Moving with Mitchell's musing on roses.

                                          (from the Summit County Lifestyle Blog via Facebook)

How to hide a stain...add a seam! This is from Upscale Daily, a new Hometalk feature that has had some incredible ways to upscale and restyle thrift shop pieces and hand-me-downs.

Lemon butter -- elegant, and easy to make if you've got sugar, butter and lemons.  (My Abundant Life)

Living very well on a low income.  Good advice for anyone from this single mom.  (Thrifty Mom in Boise) Not to mention:

Ways to save when you're on Social Security.

A strange buried treasure story about Charlie Chaplin.

Curtains...out of sheets. That's not a new idea, but the 'tabs' option is enough to read this clever how-to.

Oops, Maxine Waters eased up just a bit. Sort of. Kind of. A little. (But not regarding Donald Trump.)

New York Post's ten best Superbowl commercials. Including the E*trade baby...

"How I transformed my grandma's vintage dress into something a little more modern." Ironic -- since this was just what people did in early centuries. Fabric was far too precious just to throw away or donate!

The poorest city in each state.

Can a brain be turned to glass? Yep, it happened in Pompeii.

Twenty funny fan moments in sports.

Satisfying examples of petty revenge. It's the little things that matter.

A carved bed, used in a hotel for years, turns out to be Henry VII's marriage bed. Shades of the Bed of Ware.

Valuable things found in abandoned places. Including gold and silver in an abandoned storage locker...more random (and odd) things found here.  Thanks for the fun, Ranker.

What was it like to guard the war criminals in Nuremberg Prison? A rare firsthand account of a man who did just that.

A fascinating interview with sexologists, including the Professor of the Clitoris...or, as it was known back in the 19th century, the "bulb of the vestibule." (WARNING: Yes, this is about sex. Don't click on the link if you don't want specifics.)

Hunter Biden's got up to $2 million advance coming for his new memoir. Good -- maybe he can keep his bills paid.

'Later Prehistoric Finds' group on Facebook is an intriguing way to find out more -- 

Otzi the Iceman's final climb. With an arrow in his back...

Anna Sorokin -- or Anna Delvey, if you prefer -- is paying off her victims, using the $320,000 Netflix gave her for rights to her life events. My first thought: well, at least she's paying them off. And the second: figures, that she'd make $$ for being a scammer. Who's next: Bernie Madoff? (Actually, he's probably considered old news by now.)

Ten human/animal hybrids...including a herd of cows that, according to this report, gave human breast milk. (I'm wincing as I type this, Listverse.)

There's more to the story of the $92 million Botticelli portrait that just was hanging in a family's 'servants quarters' for decades, and sold for just a few bucks in the 1940s.

The easiest-to-make dress in the world.  I'm actually tempted to try this! Not as nice as this one, but hey...

"Where the Amish go on holiday." This 7-minute video is well worth watching. (Quilters and crafters, you'll love all the colors.)

Top 5 Beaker moments. I love this guy from the Muppets.

including a take on Coronavirus...

How to cover an unexpected expense when you're unemployed. They left one option out -- take a temp job of some kind. 

Twenty people who were fired because they used social media -- stupidly.

A cabin bed for your kid! I wouldn't mind having one of these, adult-sized.

More coins than ever are being found in UK backyards and gardens. The reason? People have to stay home -- so why not explore your property...

Ten people who foresaw their own deaths...including MLK and Abraham Lincoln.  (From Listverse)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Life Hasn't Been Easy,...

 On the other hand, when IS life easy?? Valentine's Day alternately threatened snow and ice, so instead of going out, we ate grilled elk...