Thursday, June 10, 2021


    The Oxford University student who (successfully) got up the motion to remove the Queen's portrait from Magdelen College's Middle Common Room is... American.

He said then that keeping Queen Elizabeth's portrait in place "represents recent colonial history." Which obviously is BAD. (Then again, the whole Revolution wasn't so good for us as a nation.)


The 'threatening' portrait in question. Oooh, I'm terrified. (from the article link)

NOW he says it's not a statement on the Queen. It's more because the Royal Family's portraits are cluttering up a bunch of other places around campus. Why add one more? 

You'd also figure this, but it seems that his wealthy parents have been funding his education - both here, and at some very expensive (as in $48,000+/yr) private schools. His previous alma mater included the Obama daughters, Chelsea Clinton, President Biden's grandchildren -- and a bunch of other offspring from various presidents and Important People. That gives him plenty of time to worry about important issues, like Queen Elizabeth's portrait. Is our 'hero' working to pay his way through school? I'd seriously doubt it. Hopefully he is studying hard, at least. 

Our 'hero's' favorite character? Captain America. (Maybe he should go up, in Her Majesty's place!)

No wonder the Brits aren't too thrilled about us right now. If they ever were...

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