Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Hooray, Rain!

 Gray skies, pattering on the roof. What IS this wet stuff, falling down? Growing up in damp Michigan, I know about rain. But it sure seems odd to see it here in Colorado. Especially the lack of sunny skies.

   We tend to have a "monsoon" week or so like this in late June or early July -- which can often mess with people's idea of how the Fourth should be celebrated. On the plus side, though, it keeps the fire hazard down for fireworks. 

I met with several clients last week for appraising. Guess what I'll be working on this week? Actually, it's kind of pleasant, when it's too messy to be outside. This rain is allowing me to plant more -- a blessing. Usually it's so dry that you don't dare move any plants -- even if you water them every day, they generally die. 


A huge crash at the Tour de France -- caused by a spectator holding a sign in front of the bicyclists! (Somebody arrest that person... fast. They're looking for her.)

Surprising last historical events. Did you know that the guillotine was last the Seventies? Also:

Some dark humor pieces that take that-last-weird-step-forward. Into something you probably didn't expect. 

Russia just launched a new sub -- and it's huge.

"Picnic" and "you guys" -- did you know that these are Words of Violence? Yup, Brandeis University says so.  (I'm not the only one who thinks this is a little ridiculous, either. As pointed out, the word "lynching" was not considered violent enough to make the list. Go figure.)

Bringing in the weeds -- and edible ones, too.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Black olive penguins -- cute and easy to make.  (From Foodie with Family)

Subway's tuna -- is it? Lab tests say no -- but Subway says yes. (It may have to do more with the type of fish used.)

Evictions have been back-burnered for 30 more days, via the Biden administration. At least one landlord group is appealing to the Supreme Court for relief.

The South African lady who claimed to have had 10 babies... wasn't even pregnant. Oops.

The amazing story of Ada Blackjack, an Inuit woman who survvived two years on a remote island. I have great respect for the Inuit, and learned more after Son #1 (who is part-Inuit) joined our family. He -- and they -- are interesting, resourceful people who value skills and history.

Indian children's graves found -- at least 600+ unmarked -- at a Canadian boarding school.

No Pledge of Allegiance in Silverton, CO -- except that residents, including board members, are ignoring the mayor and doing it, anyways.

The final issue of the IQA (International Quilt Association) Journal. Sad to see this go. 

Pretty DIY paper flowers.

How kids found out that their parents were actually famous.

Nineteen texts that could only have come from dads.

These 'only on the internet' dads are funny, too.

And some insanely great reflexes, dadwise.

(Now I REALLY miss my Pa, gone for more than 12 years now...)

If you're interested in historical clothing, this classic post from The Prudent Homemaker not only walks you through a c.1840s dress and bonnet, but has some practical explanations for 'why they did it this way back then.' Fascinating.

Sixteen phone calls from an elderly couple whose residence was in the condos that collapsed -- to their grandson! But no one's on the line when he answers...

Have a great week.


Bella Industries said...

Cindy, trying to find a copy of your book, Fabric dating kit : a pocket guide to identifying quilts & other textiles by color, fabrics and style. Do you have any copies sitting around you’d like to sell? I’d take one, please!

Write to me at the email associated w/ this blogger account.

Thank you,

Cindy Brick said...

Karen, thank you for thinking of me...and this book! We do have a few 'unpasted' copies left, but they're currently in storage in Michigan...and we do not have plans to get back there until November. Did you want to wait that long?

I'm sorry to say it, though. (and thanks for asking.)

If you're still interested, e-mail me at, and I'll put you in my 'things to take care of' list.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...