Sunday, June 20, 2021

Monday (no, Sunday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Onward

      Boy, it's been hot. 

We sweated our way through last week in Michigan, and the trip home to Colorado. It's still hot here, but dryer. A little rain now and then has helped some. All four of us -- dogs included -- are glad we don't have to stuff ourselves into the truck for hours, anymore. We're back to our spot in the countryside, snuggled up against the mountains.

Our regular life is beginning again.  

     I have a boatload of appraisals to do this week, plus tidying up and general chores. After more than four months away, it's back to work, so to speak. And just in time, too -- my new book, Colorado Curiosities, comes out this week! Several other things are coming to fruition, as well. So here we go.

Free movies that have been recently added to various channels this summer. 

    You can often find some of your favorites at your local library, as well. Thanks to the Philip S. Miller Library, I've sobbed my way through Greenland, and shivered through Snowpiercer. (That one's in progress.) 

Quilts for runaway slaves -- an unusual take on the subject! (They were donations. Thanks, Barbara Brackman's Civil War Quilts.)

A bride hand-knits her own wedding dress...while on the subway! It took her 9 months, and she finished the day before the wedding. P.S. She also made the groom's outfit.

His mom lost her hair to cancer -- so an Australian bride and groom shaved their heads to encourage her. What a kind gesture!

Joe Biden: "we yield our rights to the government." We do???

President Biden, I have no idea why you think this -- or whether it would hold up in the courts. But you're wrong.

Ten reasons to believe the Wuhan lab had something to do with Covid.  (From Listverse) Facebook would have banned a post like this a few months ago...

The same baker who won the right to make -- and refuse to make -- cakes whose messages he didn't agree with...well, he's been fined again. This time it's for a lawyer who wanted to make her transgender point. (And yes, she threatened to sue.) 

The ENTIRE Portland riot protest squad resigns. Yes, all 70 members. At the same time.

More interesting donation reveals from charities connected with our buddette, Ms. Cullors.

A nice, peaceable attack at McDonald's. Yep, things are certainly getting more serene around here.

Some interesting pantry/kitchen hacks. These may inspire you.

Garden produce, grandchild hints...and a delicious-looking carrot muffin recipe. (From If You Do Stuff, Stuff Gets Done)

Roger Waters tells Mark Zuckerburg to go stuff himself. And keep his hands off Pink Floyd's music!

A beautiful DIY reversible swimsuit.

Switching your sandals from buckles to velcro.

A pilot's note is found, as planes are gradually un-mothballed.  We saw the same thing while waiting to leave at Heathrow -- dozens of planes, all in tidy rows. Left me feeling like it was a parking lot. 

DOJ's national security official resigns, after it's revealed they've been collecting info on Dems (and others) -- info they shouldn't have had. 

A lizard -- in amber!

Sarabay -- refound

A judge halts the Biden program to give aid to farmers -- but only if their skin is the right color. Turns out that this just might be racist! Go figure.

How to be obnoxious about saving money. And it ain't pretty, either... (From One Frugal Girl)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...