Friday, March 11, 2022

Birthdays - And Packing Updates

 Not mine -- just in general.

(For more interesting birthday quotes, go here. They might come in handy for your next natal celebration.)

A 27-foot storage trailer is parked by The Mama's garage. Thanks to assorted family members, pizza and freezer leftovers, we emptied the garage of house things from back in 2019, repacked it in the trailer, then added more items from The Mama's estate. Not many for us -- mostly for the girlies, at this point. On the plus side, we unearthed a number of 'missing' pieces, including two bins of videos and my dutch oven. (I've been wanting to make Mavis' dutch oven bread.)

Lesson learned: after all that lifting and toting, prepare to hurt. A lot. The Brick is crabby this morning, since I was hanging out with Dave Barry. Sore muscles do not appreciate the bed jiggling from suppressed laughter. (You'd laugh too, if you were reading this.)

We are up to our hips in Stuff. Some of it's important, but mostly what I can't bear to let go yet: silly plaques from the kitchen wall ("One old goat and one cute chick live here"); books given to my mom as a kid; costume jewelry; blue glass canning jars; samplers and small quilts I stitched for her, etc. etc. Plus a healthy sprinkling of the odd. Why in the world did we have so many games, like Aggravation and Kerplunk? Why was a feedstore ledger from the 1880s jammed in the middle of The Mama's quilt books?

     And why were two gold teeth included in the lone 'good' jewelry box I found? (One cousin announced that she also had a gold tooth -- 'and you'd better get it out of there when I'm gone.' ) Gold prices are pretty high right now. And I have appraised at least two estates that included a tooth or two. But where did these teeth come from?

     Mysteries. And no one to ask -- only two aunts, both in their nineties, are still here. They would have no idea about the teeth -- and why we played so many rounds of Battleship. 


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