Thursday, March 24, 2022

Monday (er, Thursday) Stuff On the Way To Other Stuff: Prescott, Finally

    Yes, we're still alive and kicking. Feebly...but we're getting stronger.

After a bunch of late nights working on The Mama's estate, and getting the fifth-wheel ready to roll, we left Michigan -- or tried to. It's been raining so much that the farmyard was mucky gumbo. Nephew came over to do some work -- and got stuck. The Brick got him out...then we got stuck, trying to leave. It took $200 and a wrecker to get us on the road, hours late. After five months away, it felt good, and a little strange, seeing Michigan in the rear-view mirror.

     We drove and drove and DROVE -- and then the truck started acting funny. A stop at an Albuquerque, NM dealer, more hours lost, and we finally made it to the Prescott, AZ area...10 p.m. After driving all night, with no sleep.

     An interesting sideline: leaving Albuquerque, we were treated to dozens of squad cars, sirens screaming, exists blocked and police crouching by the highway barriers, guns pulled and ready. Turns out an inmate being transported faked a heart attack -- then grabbed the deputy and commandeered the van. They finally pulled him over by deflating his tires...but it was pretty iffy there for a while.

     Makes you wonder if the police ever watched The Fugitive.

     The fifth-wheel is getting its roof done while we catch up on sleep, snack and watch some movies. (Plus the Michigan-Villanova college basketball game, which Michigan lost. Sigh.) To celebrate our 40th anniversary -- which had to be postponed, due to events -- the Brick upgraded the hotel, so we've had a nice breakfast every day...and I've loved using the hot tub and swimming pool. We go out to eat one meal a day, or stop and get pizza -- which has made cooking very easy. 

    The trailer should be finished tomorrow. Then it's home to Colorado. Spring is happening here in Arizona -- we hope its started at home, as well.

A real live invisibility cloak (or screen)-- and it's in production!

The woman who shoved a well-known vocal coach (and caused her death) is found -- turns out she's an events planner in NYC. And has been hiding the past few weeks...

A luxury hotel, golf course and ski slopes -- all the wonderful things that Covid relief funds purchased. (Shame on Colorado for being part of this.)

Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner's Vanity Fair shoot was crashed by Kim Kardashian -- or at least she tried to.

Home-done fried chicken dinners. 

Wonderful Irish recipes and related movies. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Four ancient Roman battering rams are the coast of Sicily! (Think the sea battle scene in Ben-Hur)

Tim Conway, as the Oldest Conductor in the World, with the Sydney orchestra:

The New York Times finally admitted that Hunter Biden's left-at-the-computer-shop laptop is REAL. And he 'probably' had some of the iffy meetings he claimed not to do. (But his former business partner confirmed.) The Washington Post finally admitted it, too -- but had its own share of excuses Why We Didn't Take This Seriously. Yep, the sky is indeed falling. 

An update from Helen Gibb, about her fundraiser to help replace her studio and materials. 

The would-have-been Queen of France just died. She was 83.

Mike Pence will probably not be Donald Trump's running mate in 2024. Lucky him!

Another cold-case criminal id'ed by his DNA. (Only he died some years ago.)

Healthier late-night snacks.

A judge discovers his birth parents -- they left him as a newborn in a shoebox.

The most brutal punishments in Hell. (Yes, they're rude -- this is the Babylon Bee, after all.)

Best scones ever. Hey, they ARE good.  (From Kitchen Magpie)

Planning for a splurge -- and saving for it, as well as recovering afterwards.  (From Penniless Parenting)

Strange -- and funny -- commuter moments. 

Poor Anna Sorokin...will probably have to stay in Germany now. Maybe she can impress someone there as an American heiress! More comments on her con job as an heiress...and she's sounding less and less apologetic. (Ship her back to Germany -- quick!) Speaking of 'terrible tourists:'

Ten times awful tourists were arrested.  

    Too bad this didn't include the family banned from New Zealand!

One of Colorado's ski runs had to close -- because an aggressive moose wouldn't leave the skiers alone.

Hope you're having a good week.


Marilyn Withrow said...

Again, sounds like you enjoyed Prescott. Sorry we couldn't connect while you were here.

Nadine said...

Yes, spring has arrived in Colorado. That's what the calendar says; and some brave little flowers are already blooming in gardens. As you have come to expect, another springtime snowstorm is scheduled for arrival this week. More good news is that there's been a few robins sighted in Westcliffe, CO.

Safe travels home!!

Cindy Brick said...

I'm sorry we missed you too, Marilyn! Didn't realize you were so close.

We haven't seen any robins yet in Colorado, Nadine -- but that snowstorm this week tested the roof on the fifth-wheel...and it came through with flying colors.
Do half-grown bluejays count? (The robins were starting to show up in Michigan before we left.)

thanks for writing, both of you.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...