Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Ya Think It's Spring? Think Again

     Spring came to Michigan this past week...or so we thought. It's busy snowing this Monday afternoon, as I'm typing -- and a windstorm two nights before took off a batch of shingles from both the barn and the garage at The Mama's farm. (The house seems to have escaped.) 

     We are still planning on being in Prescott, AZ around March 21. We may have to postpone it a week or so, if everything doesn't finish out here first...but hopefully not. That's meant a round of goodbye visits with friends and cousins we've grown close to during the past five months. Yesterday, one of my dear high school friends, along with his 'little' (now grown) brother, roared into the barnyard on motorcycles. They stayed for several hours, and demolished a batch of chocolate chip cookies made with my mom's recipe. (The Brick likes them, too.)

     Cousins... friends. That's the bad part of leaving -- you go away from people you love. 

     This week will have more snow, cold, sorting and packing up...and prayers for the people of Ukraine. 


The People's Convoy is in D.C. More power to them!

Our sympathetic (and clueless) Vice President's take on ever-increasing record gas prices: We should all switch to electric cars. Or public transportation. Now. (The Transportation Secretary echoed her, by the way.) We all have the money ("resources") to do it -- what are we waiting for?? (Psaki just blames Putin.)

    I would really, really like to know how VP Harris and Secretary Buttigieg got to this news conference. The subway, right?   (Oops, not this time.  Not for the Inauguration, either. You should already know about Buttigieg's bike-riding shenanigans.  He rides his bike to work "some days," at least.)                                                                                                                                                       Can you say the word "hypocrite?"

Helen Gibb's fundraiser is still up and active. Please consider helping out this wonderful quilting/embroidery teacher rebuild and resupply. (Yes, I donated, too.)

Frozen blueberry margaritas -- ooh, sounds good.  (From Who Needs A Cape)

Who was the real Miss Havisham in Dickens' Great Expectations?

A Russian Bigfoot...on the phone?  According to what I read, the man onstage had a Russian friend...who had a Bigfoot friend. And then gave him/her/it the phone for a bit? That part wasn't clear.

She kicked him out -- then he won $13 million in a lottery.  (I suspect there's more to the kicking-out part of the story than he would like us to hear.)

What it was like to date a Hollywood star -- in the 'olden days,' that is.

Flourless, no-dairy peanut butter cookies. Great for my cousins and nieces...from Budget Bytes.

A wet, freezing deer a hunting guide. You'll like this endearing look at the wildlife we love.

The Vanderbilt mansion in NYC has finally sold -- for $32.2 million. (It was originally on the market for $50 million.) Yes, Gloria's old home. (I don't know why I follow this stuff...but I do. Appreciation for old architecture, I guess. Plus disdain for other things.)

Can Wendy's roast other things, besides burgers? Yes, they can!

Embroideries, made by mixing stitching with printed fabrics. Kewl.

A tax credit you may be able to take advantage of, if you're lower-income. Thanks, Donna Freedman.

The Atlanta -- one of the newest old shipwrecks (1892) found in Lake Superior. 

Neighbors who keep their compatriots amused...and hopping.  (Okay, not so amused sometimes.)

How to make 'fabric' from fused plastic bags -- and crayons.

And three of my favorite females to watch...sometimes with amusement, often surprised by how much they get away with:

Megan Markle's being sued for libel by her half-sister dee hoo hoo, poor big sister has been so badly treated. Of course, Samantha's done more than her share of nasty comments, insults and innuendos for her royal sibling...but those don't apparently count. 

Serial stowaway Marilyn Hartman is sentenced to 3 1/2 years in jail -- but she's almost served that already. (Don't worry... she'll be back in action shortly.)

My dear friend Anna Sorokin -- she says she's too poor to fund her appeal to stay in the U.S. (so she should get "poor persons relief"). Yet in a separate deportation case, her lawyer says she's wealthy enough to support herself nicely in the U.S. So which is it?

You have hobbies, too -- right? Watching these dears operate are some of mine.

The top five Viking hoards. Treasure for you to ponder.

Paint over the back pocket of your jeans - for interesting results. (I personally wouldn't choose Mickey, since the Disney people can get very protective of their designs. But there are plenty of other images you could choose.)

Ten 'essential items' for your fallout shelter, courtesy of the Babylon Bee. Hey, the Brick would go for including Battlestar Galactica!

The history of 2021 -- by the objects sold via Heritage Auctions. Fascinating. Including the story of a Norman Rockwell that hung unremarked in an American Foreign Legion post for years. (They thought it was a repro. It sold for more than FOUR MILLION $$.)

Frugal places to eat that most people either don't know...or forget about. (I'd add Sam's Club for the tasty hot dog/drink combol, too, Len Penzo. You can even grab an extra pack of sauerkraut for the road.)

Tips on living with "dead money."  (Thanks, Financial Samurai)

Traveling with your dog -- all over the world. Our Charley would have loved this...but at 100 or so pounds, it might not have worked. Especially the rock climbing.

Dark, moody...and elegant. A 350-foot studio renovated.

"What we ate on $25 a week." An interesting report from Cheapskate Cook.

Ten popular colors that don't exist...according to Listverse, that is. 

A quick hack to get your chicken skin crispier. It's easy, too.

'The herbiest' bean soup -- 3 ingredients!

The frugal sybarite. Donna Freedman strikes another blow for luxurious frugality.

Overnight cinnamon rolls.  (Yum, The Frugal Girl)

Michael Keaton won a SAG award -- but was in the bathroom when it was announced! If we ever get invited to the Governor's mansion, I swear one of us would probably sneeze on the poor man...or be in the bathroom when it was our turn to be introduced.  (Keaton did a fine job in The Protege, by the way. Watch it, if you can.)

Have a good week. Stay warm. After all...

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...