Friday, November 17, 2023

Back On the Air!

 Apologies for the long silence... but we've been Dealing With Things.

We moved to the new place on Sunday, and managed to take a few loads into the house before dark. 

Every day since then, it's bringing in items from the fifth-wheel and the truck...

     Figuring out what I need to make that day's meals...

     Getting those items from the fifth-wheel and truck...

     And putting them away. 

We're making progress, but it's taking time -- and a few trips to Alamosa to get supplies for winterizing the fifth-wheel, and ordering a mailbox.

(That's right. We're just at the cutoff point, and the previous owner had a P.O. Box, instead. If we put up a mailbox down at the corner, she'll deliver.)

We have plenty of wood for the coming winter -- the Brick figures about FOUR cords. (Wow!)

We've got enough propane, too...and will have the tank refilled shortly. (The price went down.) 

BUT --

The fiber optic promised on the sale doesn't exist. 

So no internet. Or not much...because we have to use up precious hotspot time on our phones. 

The internet people say it will be 3-5 weeks. (The Brick explained the situation, and asked them to expedite things. I second the motion.)

I tried going down to the library in Blanca, just a mile from Fort Garland. It's there. A tiny room with books, primarily from the 70s and 80s, plus DVDs and a whole shelf of VHS tapes. (Does anyone use VHS, anymore?? Apparently, yes.) But their computer service isn't a steady option. 

Which means that it's going to be quiet for a while -- only a few posts weekly, instead of the daily ones I try to send you. I need to reserve my time for work, as well as this blog. 

We're here, though, and very content in our new place. And the storage! Once everything gets put away, we'll still have empty shelves. 

After living with restricted space for years...that's wonderful.


Chuck Harnish said...

Check out Starlink for internet - great for rural areas.

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks, Chuck! We had Starlink at our old home in Sedalia. The only problem: it's not cheap. Then again, nothing up in the mountains generally is.

thanks for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.