Sunday, November 5, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Well, Did You?

    Oh, what a week. 

We lugged a trailerful of furniture down to the new house, on our way to closing. We are now homeowners again! And we actually have something to sit on, sleep on and eat on, thanks to Marketplace and kind friends. (We'll get our storage trailer, currently in Michigan, in the spring.)

    I've spent the rest of the week sitting at the check-in table at elections. Two more days -- you can still vote, and probably even if you've never done it before. (At least you can, in Colorado.) Get out there and get busy!

And after you've done your civic duty:

Yes, Michigan won -- and got little respect to show for their effort. That's ok -- keeps them humble and working.

The Buffs -- well, we won't talk about it.

Peter Lynch's take on stocks today.  I have done very well, following his methods...see what you think.

Veteran's Day specials and discounts -- Veteran's Day is Sat., Nov. 11. If you've served in the military, these are great for stretching your $$ further. (More here, too.)

Plane comfort: how to get your aisle armrest to go up! A little hidden button does the trick.

What some lottery winners did with their money.

An easy Christmas terrarium! (I plan to try this.)

And if you're the plan-ahead type:  ten Christmas cookies to try. 

An ancient Roman road -- discovered underneath a garden in England.

Bearded...and proud.  She should be -- she's gorgeous.

"What is your favorite 'poverty meal,' that you will eat, no matter how money you have?" (Yep, Quora.)

A seamstress plans to embroider the entire Bayeux Tapestry. (She's making progress, too.)

Ten last photos of extinct animals.  (Or they may not be.)

A bunch of moneysaving tips and tricks.  (From The Frugal Kitchen)

The power of a blazer, demonstrated by Kate Middleton. (Looks great on her, too.)

Some very funny animal commercials.

A map trinket dish.  (Might be a good present for your favorite guy.)

A wonderful 'hidden' auto collection -- squirrelled away by a mechanic over the decades. 

A slow-motion goat dance...this is funnier than it sounds. And even a little bit graceful.

Keep these 16 items in your trunk when you're on the road in wintertime. 

Have a good week. 

Extra note: Son #1 got a buck! But I couldn't include a photo until I heard it was ok. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.