Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Please Sir, May I Have Some Internet?

 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our kids. (Hope you enjoyed yourself, too.) A storm was brewing in Colorado, but didn't turn out too bad; another one is headed our way on Thursday. 

    Week #3 just finished, without a reliable internet source -- and we don't always have enough bars on the phone to do even simple tasks. (Like posting this blog.) Jade, the big company around here, said we'd have fiber optic trenched in 'within 3-5 weeks.' Well, we're waiting. Meanwhile, I work on reports I can't send, which is also frustrating. 

Patience, God. Teach us patience.  Meanwhile:

Working from a coffee shop here might be an option -- if one was nearby. Which it isn't.  (Hey Mavis, I can relate.

Where's the stadium? Michigan fans pack the playing field after Michigan beats Ohio State. (Poor old Buckeyes.) On to the Big Ten Championship Game on Saturday against Iowa. GO BLUE!

Charlie Munger died. Fans of Warren Buffett will quickly recognize this name. (He was 99.) His money rules are simple -- and effective. 

This makeup hack is supposed to 'erase' your double chin. Did it work?

'Sweet penny treats' candy to make for the holidays.  (From Little House Living)

Hazelnut marzipan truffles...5 ingredients, majorly delicious candy!

A 300-year-old painting stolen by an American GI in WWII finally goes home to Germany.

The artist Banksy's real name. This has been speculated for years! And more on him...was his name deliberately kept quiet, so his work would cost more?

A frugal (and scruffy) trailer park groundskeeper bequeaths $3.8 million to his small NH town. Yow!! Fort Garland, do you have anyone like that living here? According to his sister:

'He always told me that his main goal in life was to make sure that nobody noticed anything,' she said, adding that he'd say 'or you might get into trouble.'

Tips for hosting a more frugal holiday meal.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Tips for airplane travel. 

Have a good week. 

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries