Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: And So It Begins...

 A new year, filled with promise. (And more than a little weirdness, since it's election year for us USAers.) I intend to spend this first week putting stuff away, finishing up and sending out reports...and watching a movie or two. Fortunately, we've got two snow days in the forecast. The wood rack is full -- we're ready for it. 

In a side note -- Michigan (barely) beat Alabama in the Rose Bowl, 27-20 in overtime. I'd brag about how superior the Wolverines are to Roll Tide, but truthfully, either team could have won. In fact, Alabama almost did -- Michigan didn't make it a tie until nearly 1 1/2 minutes until game end. 

      Nonetheless... GO BLUE!!! We're looking forward to seeing the championship game next week. 

Tom Brady - showing where his heart's at

Harvard's president has finally resigned -- and no, I don't think it was in part because of racism, as she alleges. (A convenient dodge, unless you consider the president of Penn State was also forced to resign. What excuse can she blame -- that she's a woman? ) 

But repeated examples of plagiarism, from a college president? Unacceptable, even if the board (and she) tried to explain it away. 

One of my favorite bloggers ruminates on a decade of financial independence. (Read their book -- it will change your life. Really.)

The world's oldest chicken just died, aged 21. Hey, only important news here...

Hoist the Colours  by the  Bass Singers: a wonderful rumbly-sort of sea chanty

The dirty secret behind 'cooking at home.' A Frugalwoods classic.

Denmark's queen steps down Jan. 14 -- after 52 years on the throne. 

Dolly Parton is famous for her coleslaw -- and I just thought it was her singing!

Silly pictures of holiday spirit. 

Poor 'ol kitty...

Heads up, people -- now skimmers on ATMs and gas pumps can be 'paper thin...'

Geese as prison security? Yup...and they're remarkably good at it, too.

Some of the strangest whoppers of 2023.  Did you know that cancer has been cured "as we know it?" (Thank President Biden for that one.)

Greta Thunberg, Randi Weingarten...and other interesting self-absorbed types.

Dog units are being used by IDF to see in and clear out Hamas terrorist tunnels. This makes incredibly good sense.

Backstage stories about filming National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -- by someone who was there. 

How to live on a low income.  (Thanks, The Legacy of Home.)

Stamp prices are going up -- again -- in late January. Why not buy extras now?

One of the stupidest kids' outfits I have ever seen -- padded shorts!

Maybe they work, but the poor kid looks like they're sporting colored tumors. Ewwww.

"What's the best soup you've ever tasted -- or made?" Some great ideas here via Quora.

People who went from poor to rich...and vice versa. Honest and illuminating answers from Quorans.

How to keep your financial profile 'invisible.' Yet useful.  (From The Financial Samurai)

A remarkably honest look at feeling lonely and sad on Christmas Eve. The Frugal Girl is gutsy...I admire her very much. 

The 'most notable career crashes' of 2023.

And to celebrate the coming new year... one of my favorite Steve Winwood songs.

(Keep an eye out during the musical bridge -- and you'll see Winwood's dog casually walking past. Obviously he's used to this.)

And this gem, from the author of My Baby Does the Hanky Panky. Kind of a fitting wrapup for 2023.

Have a great week -- and new year.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Meet the Kids!

      Our new puppies have been enjoying themselves, fake-fighting all over the house. Ruby pretty much tolerates them, unless all the tum...