Sunday, May 19, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Come On, Rain!

     We've had a few days of that most precious resource: raindrops. For those of you who live in a damper climate (like Michigan), this is liquid gold for us. We rarely get all-day drizzles more than, say, once every two months. In response to this wonderful stuff, the sagebrush is turning bright green, and the trees are greening up, too. It's almost as if they are holding their branches to the sky, begging for more. 

     The temps indoors are nearly matching the temps outdoors. Which means hot coffee in the morning -- but no fire in the woodstove. If we have one in the evening, it gets too hot to sleep without the ceiling fan on. We have cooler weather moving in this week, though - which means covering the few plants I've put out. (Snow too, probably. Yes, it's what?)



Look for hotter temperatures this summer, regardless of what state you live in.  Oh goody...

An effective solution to being harassed -- I could see this approach used effectively in all sorts of situations.  (Swear word alert)

The California committee makes its final decision -- it won't be paying anything for reparations, but it WILL be writing a letter apologizing for the state's role in slavery. Big of them, don't you think?

 Here's what the ultra-wealthy know how to do:  How to host great parties on a skimpy budget. How to scam invites to fancy parties and weekends at country homes, etc. etc.

Dartmouth college graduates get $1000 in cash -- $500 for them, and $500 for a cause or someone who needs help. What a great idea!

Weird...but nicely executed. Some of these were extra impressive.

"I blew up Lord Mountbatten."  And he never served a lick of time for it, either. Why would you be proud of this?

This woman 'lost' two storage units of stuff after she "missed just a few payments." Read the full story, then see if you feel sorry for her. Boo-dee-hoo-hoo. This one, as well...

Millions of dollars found in a safe (in an auctioned-off storage unit). Would you have given the money back?

One of the funniest FB shorts I've seen in a long time! (Click to go there.)

The Japanese professor who accused her boss of racial discrimination because she dared to talk friendly about Japanese cuisine. Said professor filed a complaint because the provost was "unconsciously biased."

“A reasonable person would not take offense at such complimentary and friendly words. In this case, [Prof] Ozanne’s words were not even ‘unfortunate’. They were not reasonably seen as hurtful or misjudged,” the Tribunal continued. “On the contrary, [Prof Sato-Rossberg’s] objection reflected [her] own hypersensitivity and predisposition to find fault with Ms Ozanne.”

After the decision, the professor announced that she figured she wouldn't be treated fairly by her boss, anyways -- after all, her boss wasn't British. Maybe she was American...

Interesting background facts from one of our favorite tv series, The Rifleman.

'Hey, you shouldn't prosecute us - because we're just UC-Irvine professors supporting our pro-Palestine students.' But are they?

Two boys on a treasure hunt find silver coins beneath a church's floorboards. That was 60 years ago in Norway, and one has come forward.

A chef at a Mexico City taco stand receives the first Michelin star for a taco stand ever.

Anna Delvey's acting like a self-absorbed publicity jerk again... but what's new? (P.S. This is her 'going to court' outfit.)

The winner of the Westminster dog show this year?  A miniature poodle. Ruby's opinion:

"I'd have her for lunch, Mom!"

Yet another study that documents how facemasks didn't prevent CovidWoke America, are you listening???

An interesting solution for a demand to build a fence around this man's boat -- because it was an 'eyesore.'

More plagiarism accusations -- this time at MIT. (sigh)

Famous people who cut relatives out of their wills.

Free software? Yup.

Have a good week. Hopefully we'll get some more wet stuff!

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  “August 8, 1982. - A line drive foul ball hits a four-year-old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would tak...