Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Mother's Day...and HOME

     Last week lasted a lonnngggg time.

     First, trying to finish up a plethora of jobs.

     Then, a rewarding time at the Peaks n' Pines guild in Granby on Thursday and Friday. (Thank you, fellow quilters!)

     Then a Mother's Day lunch spent with our kids at a restaurant serving hot pot and barbecue. (Thank you, Dears!)

     Then a long drive home, much of it through pouring rain. We noticed a lot of snow on La Veta Pass, though fortunately the roads were reasonably dry.

     And finally, church -- and the monthly potluck. 

     Add this all together, including hours of driving...and we were just beat. But we missed a weekend full of snow, rain, hail and power outages here at home. Fortunately, our woodrack was full, and we had milk, eggs and quick goodies stashed in the fridge.

     This week will be somewhat quieter, though I have work to do.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Love you -- see you soon.

Another church shooting thwarted...this time in Louisiana.

'Upcycled clothing' -- can a retailer stop someone else from refashioning their products into something else?

Specials for seniors. 

Here's an interesting weapon against AI voice scammers.  (We had a 'secret word' for our daughters when they were in school. But I asked one recently what it was -- and she couldn't think of it.) And...

A Colorado attorney is disbarred for using AI-generated opinions in his briefs. (They were made up, by the way.)

What's with the skeletons found buried under Hermann Goering's old home?

How often are 'left' legal analysts wrong when they fire off a statement? Turns out more than they'd care to admit.

A bison injures a tourist -- who's then arrested. (The man, not the buffalo.)

What it's like to be a "glass child."

Have a good week. 

The Mama is the little blondie at far left.

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  “August 8, 1982. - A line drive foul ball hits a four-year-old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would tak...