Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way To Other Stuff: Is It... Is It?

      Finally, our temps are inching up. My Valley friends say June 1st is about when you can assume no more freezes. Is it really going to be spring here -- just when the calendar wants to say we're going into summer?

     I guess. At any rate, four tomato plants are waiting to be planted, along with several seed packets.

     We still have no vehicle. (Our brakes suddenly went out last week. Was it connected to the Flying Wheel Incident? Possibly, but we can't prove it as easily.) The Brick is fixing the truck, but has to wait until the parts come in later this week. Thanks to a friend who gave us a ride to church, and went to the grocery store with me, we're doing fine. But it means we stay home until then.

Happy Memorial Day to you.


A 2300-year-old gold ring discovered in Israel -- at the City of David excavation. 

A ton of movie memorabilia is going up for auction in June -- including an original prototype of the Ark of the Covenant for Raiders of the Lost Ark, as well as John Travolta's disco floor!

Frugality is nothing to be ashamed of, The Frugal Girl says...and she's right! We could not have afforded living up in the mountains without it.

The USS Harder, a WWII sub, is found -- just off the Philippines.

More than 2,000 medieval coins found in the Czech Republic -- by a woman out for a walk.

At least three climbers are missing on Everest -- and others are dead. The hundreds of climbers IN LINE waiting to summit may be part of the reason. (Mallory and Irvine would be shocked.)

'What I've learned from 400 millionaire interviews,' by ESI Money.

Very cool wildlife encounters. Including one from Boulder, CO.  (Yes, mountain lions will do this. We had two that regularly screamed at each other around the ranch in Sedalia.)

A 'tiger mom' regrets a lot of her parenting decisions. (But not all of them.)

Bean burritos -- in bulk! Easy to make for a group.

Scallops with apples, onions and greens -- I think this will be our Memorial Day special supper.

Things said while under the knife.  (And they're funny, too.)

Really brilliant restaurant and bar ideas.

An extensive study on how SNAP recipients spend their money... mostly on junk food. I'm not making this up, people...wish I was.

Graceland is set to be sold at a foreclosure auction!  Oh boy....Update: Nope, not going to happen. The 'lender' withdrew its claims! Weird...

Martha Stewart's favorite tuna salad, interpreted by The Kitchn.

Are you a frugal weirdo?  I think I am...

What do you do with a huge windfall?

Also, from the same author --  How can you learn to be thrifty?  (Thanks, White Coat Investor)

Have a great week. Wave a flag for me -- and those whose sacrifice gave us the freedom to do it.

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  “August 8, 1982. - A line drive foul ball hits a four-year-old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would tak...