Sunday, August 3, 2008

Celebrities are Frugal, Too?

...well, some of them are.

You'll find the Who's Who List of Cheapdom fascinating...Mick Jagger? Paul McCartney? Most of the stars mention a poor childhood, where they learned to save.

Take a look:

I've got a thing for hotel soap, myself. I confess -- I will set aside those little bars of soap and containers of shampoo, so I can take extras home. For one thing, they come in handy for future trips. For another, the soaps give a nice smell to your linens drawers.

When we took our 25th anniversary cruise last year, I came home with a drawerful! They were lovely reminders of a trip to the Caribbean...walks late at night on the ship's exercise circuit, watching the moonlight bounce off the waves. Sunbathing lazily while watching for the next stop. Anything I wanted to eat -- regardless! (Especially weird.) Movies in every language imaginable (or so it seemed). Palms and tropical fruit. Rain. (A rare treat right now -- yes, it's still blazing around here.) Those soaps, now nearly gone, weren't just freebies...they were memories.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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