Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stormy Weather

For the past few days, something strange has been happening here in Castle Rock.

Water -- falling down from the sky! What is it, this strange moisture? A present from aliens? Some government conspiracy? Yet another example of global warming?

Or, could it be...RAIN??

The really strange storms here on the Front Range of Colorado -- blizzards, rain, whatever -- tend to sweep from north to south, rather than our usual "watch it coming from over the mountains west to east." (Once you see it, you have about 20 min. before it hits.) This storm was a doozy -- tornados in Denver and parts north, hail, you name it. What we got looked just like those videos of hurricanes. Sheets of water and wind battered the house on the north and south sides; but west and east were practically untouched!

Our whole side of the street lost power, though our neighbors' lights were still shining. Finally, about midnight, just as we were going to bed, it came back on. I was a little sad -- rainstorms are even more interesting by the light of an oil lamp.

This morning, the world looks like it got a good facewash. Everything is shining clean, if still a tad damp. I don't know if the mountains got fresh snow or not; they're still hiding behind a silver-gray shower curtain. Which means we'll probably get more rain tonight.

Oh goody!

I'm headed to Cheyenne, WY for a few days of appraising at the Cheyenne guild's annual show. While I'm gone, though, you'll want to read these posts on fascinating ways to save, beginning with 25 lessons from those paragons of respectability: the Simpsons.

And if you're willing to wade through Cheap Healthy Good's raptures on being (nearly) student loan-free, he has some terrific ideas on cutting your expenses -- fast -- to pay off debts and bills -- fast:

And the best saved for last: Money Central's Smart Spending blog, which changes regularly, and has some terrific ideas -- it's just as good as and the "fantastic freebies" and "daily deals" sections. Which is going some.

Enjoy...and I'll be back!

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