Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Very Sad Story

One of the saddest unemployment stories I've read in a long time...
and one of the best to learn by.

called "Nowhere to Go But Down."

He can't find work. She can't, either. They've lost their rented house, and are forced to move into Her mom's basement, now occupied by boxes, cat litter and a few small windows. Two-year-old Daughter and 17-year-old Son will be living with them.

But wait...

That's not the whole story.
Here are some other truths that eventually come out:

*He was making good money at his old job...and spending it fist-over-pocket. Blowing it on treating the whole bar to drinks, lavish meals, stuff like that. No savings. No retirement. No nothing. Just paycheck to paycheck.

*Education is a misnomer -- he got some training, but isn't using it. She isn't, either. (No sign that they're encouraging Son to even think this way.)

*She gets a job offer during the course of the article -- and turns it down. Not as much money as she can make getting unemployment.

*What do they do now? Basically nothing, unless you count video games and watching television. Why fill out job applications? They cost gas and effort. (Hmmm...especially at the very end of the article, where one of his friends gets work at His old employer, and thinks there may be other work there. Does He go check before they leave town? Nope.)

*How do they eat now? Stack beer up there toward the top of the food groups. Lots of processed stuff, and tons of carbs. (This, after mentioning he's gained 40 pounds since he lost his job.)

*Teenaged son is failing school, but finds time to play XBox (which parents conveniently ignore). Son has no job. No goals. But he DOES have a girlfriend.

*Her mom is giving them a place to stay -- but is this new town full of better opportunities? Nope. And they sure haven't been looking for any, either.

I am trying hard to feel sympathetic toward this family. Obviously, they're in deep trouble. But have they stopped and looked at the patterns that put them into this situation? Are they trying to change anything?

Eventually, out of sheer inertia, He'll get a job. (Probably the unemployment benefits will run out, and He or She will be forced to Do Something.) But will they start to put money aside for the next hard time? Naahh. Too many people to treat down at the local bar.

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