Monday, March 28, 2011

Green Chili Fries, The Fighter, and Dealing with Crazy Monday

...we woke up to snow on the ground. But it was gone as soon as the sun came up. We flatlanders don't have much to say about it; the mountains have had snow off and on for the past week. 
   Don't tell that to my peas -- they may not want to come up.

   Went and saw The Fighter last night, with Mark Wahlberg, Amy Adams, etc. Other than the constant use of f----, the totally unnecessary sex scene, and the boxing (ergh - blood, snot and sweat everywhere), it was an amazing movie. The story was good, and inspiring, but the real surprise was Christian Bale. I have never seen a man (other than maybe Russell Crowe) so totally reinvent his speech, mannerisms, even the way he walked and looked. He made himself over into Dickie -- and we liked him, in spite of ourselves. Wow! No wonder he won an Academy Award for this performance. (Wahlberg's "mom," Melissa Leo, did, too. Although Wahlberg's own performance was good, he was essentially the same guy he played in Invincible.)
    Come on. Ask me why, if I hate boxing, I went to a boxing movie! It was my friend's birthday present -- she got to choose the movie. Her next request: go see The King's Speech. I am puzzled how such a basic idea was made into a movie -- and why in the world would it have beat out such amazing pieces like Inception. But hey, life's short. I'll go.

Aunt Purl's dealing with some craziness in her life right now, and is asking for advice. (Don't miss the readers' comments -- they're the best.)
   One of my favorite ways to deal with it: green chili fries. They're crispy, crunchy...and at least you feel like you're getting SOME nutrition -- not to mention all the Vitamin C generated by those chilies. And a big pot of green chili comes in handy for several other dishes. I may have to make some now for supper! (A later P.S. -- I did. It's simmering now.)


1 1/2 - 2 cups green chili (try a canned version -- Hatch brand, from the area in NM famous for its chilies, is terrific. Or make it yourself. A classic version is here. Some purists like a little tomato added, for color and flavor -- others say it has to just be chili verde.)

2-4 cups already prepared french fries (baked or fried)

1 cup cheddar cheese
chopped onions
sliced jalapenos

That's it. Have the french fries and green chili piping hot. Quick, pile the fries on a platter, and pour the green chili over. Throw on the cheese and garnish with onions and jalapenos. Eat with an icy Coke, or a beer. (Or do it Elvis-style, and substitute cream or sausage gravy for the chili.)
    A batch of these, plus a good movie (or, in Husband's view, an NCAA basketball game), and life is worth living again. Even on Monday.

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