Friday, March 18, 2011

Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff

Two interesting sites on the Internet this blowy, breezy Friday --

A before/after set of photos from the earthquake in Japan -- courtesy of ABC News. (thank you)
   (The 'after' photos are there...just run your arrow over the photo, and the 'before' photo shows up. Unsettling.)

and on a much lesser scale: 9 uses for Coke...besides drinking it! 
(Thanks much, Money Crashers)

I was especially surprised by its grease-removing properties. She poured a can of Coke on a very old grease stain, let it soak -- and the stain came out. I've gotta try this!
    She didn't mention the explosive properties of Diet Coke and Mentos, though.  :)

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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