Saturday, March 12, 2011

Husbands, Beware!

...Husband just marched through the house, setting clocks and announcing it was "now 12:30." This, from Mr. Night Owl, who enjoys the thrill of staying up even more than I do. It's the annual time change, and he wants to Go To Bed.
   Well, fat chance -- I still have work to get done, dishes to load, and I need to pack for tomorrow's lecture at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. Wanna come? It's going to be on handkerchiefs and hankie quilts. Meet me (and everybody else) at 3:00 p.m. at the museum -- stat. The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum is in Golden, CO, just a hop, skip and jump out of Denver. Click on the name to get the address for directions.

Speaking of Husbands, you might find this little trip to the Doghouse very amusing -- and instructive!  (Here's Part 2, when you're ready.) I never got a vacuum...but I did receive a humidifier once for Christmas. (Based on the shape, I thought it was a sewing machine. Silly me, expecting that from an engineer type!) Have fun.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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