Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bankruptcy...And More

*Does it ever make sense to file bankruptcy in retirement?
     This slide show will give you some very matter-of-fact information, if you've been mulling over the possibility.

*PRISM: An insanely cool short film, courtesy of the makers and Youtube. If you enjoy sci-fi, you're going to love this one.

*Weird (and unsettling) facts: did you know the director of the American Red Cross makes close to a million bucks in salary a year?  Gee, that gives me pause. The director of Compassion International, an adopt-a-child program we support, with a 'son' in Brazil and another that was in Africa, makes a little more than $250,000 yearly. Not great -- but bearable.

And Chocolate Cherry 'Ice Cream' Popsicles, courtesy of Cheap Healthy Good

Did a huge batch of appraisals this morning...and now it's hot hot hot. Makes you wish for a swimming pool within tippytoe reach. Ah well.

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