Friday, July 1, 2011

Grand Central Station

...It is total chaos at my place.

Daughter #1 and her friend are schlepping boxes and trash out of the sewing room. Snatches of laughter and music float up periodically.

Libby is sewing her husband a pair of pants for their gig tomorrow at the Renaissance Festival. She enjoys passing on her latest thoughts, with the machine whirring away.

The frig opens now and then, as someone gets a cold drink. (It's REALLY hot outside, with no breeze.)

The dumpster guys will be here any minute to pick it up -- which means that Daughter #1 and Shannon have to get as much crap out of that sewing room as possible right away.

Husband is gone to work (whew for him) --
Four dogs periodically trample through the house, looking for handouts and barking at each other.

And where Adam is (Libby's huband), I don't have a clue...but in a few minutes, he'll start banging away at the portable closet he's putting together for me.
    Which will start the dogs barking again.
    And various humans yelling at the dogs to shut up.

And yours truly is sitting vewwwyy qwietly in a corner, typing away and hoping not to be noticed.

Soon it will be lunchtime, and the fun ratchets up even more. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Six Ways to Express Your Independence -- finally speaking, that is. The rule that really stuck with me: "Act Like A Hamster, Live Like A Hamster." In other words, believe -- and buy -- every thing that comes down the pike, and you'll not only be in debt, but a prime candidate for every future marketer to profit by.

Time to put some pizza in the oven for the crew. Maybe I'll make them all smoothies, too.

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