Monday, July 25, 2011

Home Again

After 19-plus hours on the road, plus an overnight stay in Evanston, WY, I'm home. Which means clean sheets on the bed, a very happy Charley, and Husband, who was happy to have his cooker/cleaner/snuggler home!

Something has been wrong all week in the Blogpost department -- I've tried several times to post, but was unable to retain anything except the post title! Aargghghghg....true to form, I mentioned this to Husband tonight, brought up the blog to show him...

And it looked totally different from the gibberish I've been enduring all week.

And the test post Worked. Just. Fine.

Husband, sitting next to me, burst into laughter. I think the computer likes him more than me.

More tomorrow, after I get my head together. I'm so happy to be back!

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