Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still having problems with posting...see comments section

1 comment:

Cindy Brick said...

Well! The Blogspot trolls are back, and hard at work -- I can add a headline, but all text or photos get blissfully ignored. Be patient with me, as I'm impatient with them. (The stinkers.) Hopefully Husband can help me figure out what's going on this weekend.
The Mama and Cousin Joy left for Michigan this morning. I'm looking at a houseful of piles everywhere that need to be sorted, put or thrown away. Hopefully you're looking at a peaceful, clutter-free weekend yourself!

Take a moment to read this post on ALMOST FRUGAL, though: it has some very practical -- and helpful -- frugal tips:

Talk to you soon. Thanks for your patience.

While You're At It...

 Don't forget an apology to the fiancee, as well. Bored Panda, you naughty thing, you.