Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Michigan Blues (Or Grays!)

Yes, it is a pale gray here in Michigan...with white overtones. The sky was a thick, gooey cloud, and rain spattered our windshield all the way here. It was cold enough to start thinking about hot coffee and apple fritters, hoodies and warm socks.
    The clouds were just as thick in Colorado when I left this morning -- Pike's Peak had its share of snow flurries today.  Daughter #2 says it's due to snow at her little cabin up in the mountains of Nederland! (I hope Husband remembers to cover the tomato plants on the deck tonight.)

Yes, I Am Cheap has some great advice for things to buy in the fall. Some good ideas here, but I'd add a few more:
     *Summer clothes at the thrift shop  (they're often on clearance at this point).
     *Fruit! Buy a bushel now, and squirrel it away. Peaches can go straight into the freezer, plastic-bagged, with no further prep; use them unfrozen in smoothies, or slice semi-frozen for pies and crisp. Apples can stay in the vegetable crisper for months -- or put them in a cooler and keep out on the back porch. Fruit can stay this way all winter...unless the temp dips into the single digits.
     *Clearance items at the craft shop (use them to make Christmas presents).

Michigan is famous for its fruit -- and some will go home in the carryon of yours truly when I head back. In the meantime, though, it's preparing for tomorrow's lecture...and sewing Czech glass dragonfly buttons on my black velvet top.


Sand - yesiamcheap said...

Forgot the fruit! Yes, all of you that make preserves, jams, jellies and just canned good in general should be really busy right now.

Cindy Brick said...

Especially after lugging home nearly a half-bushel of Macs (which don't keep) and Galas (which do), plus a bag of pears! I am seeing a lot of apple pie and crisp in the future...

Thanks so much for writing.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...