Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering 9/11

The job's done at was a long day today, but it went well. I fly out tomorrow morning. Hopefully the increased security will not be a huge issue...I really want to spend a day at home with Husband, snuggled up and reading the Sunday paper. 

Ten years ago, I was at the doctor's office with Husband. He was facing back surgery, and in agony. We could not get any of the nurses to pay attention to him, so in desperation he laid down on the floor of the waiting room. That did it -- a nurse promptly found him a cubicle to lie down in.
    I came back to the waiting room, after making sure he was comfortable, and glanced at the tv screen. What in the world...?? What was that -- a preview for some new disaster movie? I remember thinking, 'Gosh, they've got to do better on their special effects - that doesn't look very real.'
    It was the first and second World Trade Center towers, collapsing.

Husband's brother was working at the Pentagon; his office was right in the same area hit by a hijacked plane. But he had taken that day off...

Add your stories here too, if you like. May we never forget this day -- never. 


Anonymous said...

We had just moved and my husband was at work. All my paints and clays were still packed up in boxes but I desperately needed something to do with my shaky hands as I sat still in my night gown with my eyes glued to the TV. I found some fabric in a top box, needle and thread too. I just started to stitch things together by hand. I had never made a quilt but I became a quilter that day because I learned that the act of quilting was just as comforting as wrapping up in grandma's quilts. It changed my life.

Cindy Brick said...

Good for you, girl. There IS something about the comfort of the fabric as it moves through your fingers, as you make something from something else. I have frequently 'run home' to that comfort when something awful was happening in my life, and I had no way to stop it or make it different. Except pray...and stitch.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...