Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It is one of those afternoons where every cloud in the sky looks like a plein air painting. Not too hot, not too cold. Tomatoes just coming ripe, ready for tonight's broiled shishkabob. Clothes swinging lightly on the line, and a damp pile waiting for ironing. (Ironing - one of the few chores that produces clean, sweet-smelling results right away.)
    Finally, parts of the house are starting to show promise. Fewer piles to put away, a freshly-swept hall. A clean bathroom, ready for a hot bath and long session with a book. An hour or two more, and  the place will be back to its old stuffed self, ready to relax in.

But I leave tomorrow morning.

It's not the gig -- I'll be lecturing for the Capitol City Quilt Guild in Lansing, MI on the 15th. I get a kick out of the Lansing guild; they're bright, opinionated and great fun to be with. They'll love the lecture; "Romping Through the Decades" is a very silly look at how to date fabrics and colors and patterns, complete with lots of "pee" stories (because that's how the dyes were set!) and culminating with a 1970s hostess gown. Owl appliques on the front (with the buttons at alllmost the right height for emphasizing, say we say, bosom friends) and an immensely attractive swatch of Woody Woodpecker ribbon on one sleeve!

I'm just tired.

Ah well. This is the last gig. It will soon be over, with a few blessed weeks to rest up before heading to Arizona. (The Tucson Quilt Guild, to teach crazy quilting...)

I can do this.

* * * * * * * *
In the meantime, you might enjoy this argument for frugality on its own sake -- not because it's going to pile up big bucks right away (because it won't). With patience, that money will grow. And at some point in time, that amount will suddenly matter very much. (Thanks, Simple Dollar, for the input.)
    I try to remind myself of this, trudging through the airport. Do you really need a Starbucks hit, when coffee will be served on the plane? Even those few dollars will build up.

And when you have to leave home, it's kind of fun to live vicariously through the decorating adventuries of Brin at My Messy, Thrilling Life. She's stopped adding to her blog (darn it), but I still enjoy padding through her glowing Freeman Room, stopping to look out the window at the garden, or read a book by the fireplace.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back to work -- and packing. Thanks so much for all the kind words and encouraging notes, both here and on Facebook, about our family's losses. They mean a great deal to us...comforting. Talk to you again soon.

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