Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cheyenne Weekend

I'm here in Cheyenne, Wyoming, staying at a Victorian era B&B, in the old Nagle Warren Mansion:

 It really is lovely here.

Also fun: the group of ladies I'm with are sewing like crazy, using patterns inspired by the Downton Abbey PBS series. Tonight, we'll look at quilts and fabrics from the early 1900s, and talk about the differences between "upstairs" and "downstairs" textiles.
     A Wyoming filmmaker has been filming for a documentary all day, including interviews up in the "tower room," and wandering around, taking photos and filming the high tea this afternoon, fireplaces going and a barbershop quartet entertaining us. 

What wasn't so lovely: the events leading up to this.

I started to leave yesterday for the two-hour drive...but took the Jeep first to go ship some orders. While I was gone, the Brick went to gas up the Outback, and realized the back tire was almost flat.

A nail. A big one.

Turns out the tire couldn't be saved. And the other three tires were bald enough (which we knew, were trying to eke them out) that they needed to be replaced, too.


By the time the new tires were on, it was dark, and looking stormy. So I waited, and left early this morning, to more storm clouds gathering. By the time I drove north through Denver, it had started to snow.

There's not much keeping the snow and wind doing what it likes on the highway between Denver and Cheyenne. And it did -- blow, and snow, and ice -- by the time I got to the Wyoming state line, I'd seen two accidents and two more rollovers. Even the ambulance was going slow...because that was all it dared to do. (It really was slippery out there.)

The whiteouts started at the state line. Fortunately, I came up behind a snowplow, and stayed behind it until turning off to the mansion. Got here late, but intact.

Off to sew...listen to people laugh...and watch all sorts of lovely costumes and posh accents. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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