Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Plugging Away

We had a big snowstorm on Friday...but in just a few days, the snow is nearly gone, and we're back to mud. I went out to collect eggs yesterday and - bam - fell flat on my face. After scraping myself off, a shower was in order...then it was time to scrub out the tub. But I didn't break the eggs!
     More cold temps this week. More work to be done. The only green: daffodil leaves, forlornly sticking up out of the flowerbed. The chickens have nipped off the rest. (They apparently don't like daffs.) We need to get that fence in the chickenyard finished before they decimate everything permanently.
     And why doesn't spring GET HERE?

Why we're not as doomed as the naysayers suggest. (From Mr. Money Moustache)

10 financial/market predictions for 2014. We'll see if they're right!

How to retire early -- by J.D. Roth, one of the guys who actually did it. (He founded Get Rich Slowly.) 

Chicken tortilla soup - yum.  (From Who Needs A Cape)

Signs that make you stop and laugh! A slideshow from Reader's Digest.

Athletes who are great at cheating. An illuminating slideshow, from Barry Bonds to (you guessed it) Lance Armstrong.

A painted couch before-and-after makeover. No, they didn't necessarily replace the fabric -- they painted it!

Eight facts that make TOO much sense.  Case in point: Disneyland has a mouse infestation...go figure!

Advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietership. This should especially be of help if you're thinking about starting a new business.

What to make when there's 'nothing to eat' in the house. (From Big Girls, Small Kitchen.)

What 9/11 looked like from outer space.

Posts from yours truly, including raising chickens in winter  (Penny Thots) and 25 (more) ways to save a buck or two. (Midlife Finance)

A really nice (small) bathroom redo, from Funky Junk Interiors.  (Take a closer look at that mirror -- it's framed in yardsticks!)

Have a good week. Like you, I'm hanging in there, waiting for spring.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...