Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gray Saturday

We woke up this morning to dreary skies and tiny snowflakes. A thin, crisp curtain of snow veiled the sky and made the air glitter.

Our poor daffodils. They're just starting to push up through the cold ground. (One of the few items the chickens are uninterested in. Thankfully.)

It was (is) spring, isn't it?? 

I had big plans for cleaning out the chicken coop, scrubbing out the water trough, and planting spinch underneath my new cold frame - a hooped tunnel from Gardener's Supply. Hopefully it will keep the chickens out, and the warmth in.

We have lots of reasonably-warm days now, unlike our Eastern neighbors, who are still in snow up to their armpits. Our fellow Coloradoans on the Western Slope are having the same problems. But us, in the Denver area? Except for the occasional quickly-melting storm, we've been dry as a bone for ages.

Like so many of you...I just wish it was spring. 

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