Thursday, July 17, 2014

Biding My Time

...and Williamsburg's a wonderful place to do it in.

The PAAQT appraisers' annual conference will continue through the weekend. We went behind the scenes today to look at textiles used for various houses and exhibits...talked to the curator (and head conservator)...and got a look at new quilts-in-progress, made to look like they were old!
    It was catnip to anyone who loves textiles. (You didn't think that appraisers got into this just because it was valuing, did you?)
    Tonight, we had dinner by candlelight in a wonderful old tavern. (The King's Arm) Tomorrow's class all day, then a lovely banquet. I'm looking forward to it.
    If you've never been to Williamsburg, VA, you should seriously consider it. It's a hands-on spot to learn more about 18th century history, American-style. 

Fortunately, it's been a lot of fun...because it helps me keep my mind off the Brick. After spending a few days with him last week, I miss him terribly. Watched a favorite 'girlie' movie tonight, P.S. I Love You...and burst into tears. I just wish he was here.

Must keep my focus on work...and what I need to get done. It's only a few weeks longer.

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Made You Look - Stupid

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