Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Williamsburg

Packing up, getting ready to head out again. This time, it's to the PAAQT appraisers conference in Williamsburg, VA. The Mama and I spent a chunk of time making kits for classes in the upcoming Maine Quilts gig, right after. I don't want to fold fabric again for a while. 
     Thought I'd post the latest list, before I hit the road.

Personal finance challenges -- 25 ways to get started. (From The Simple Dollar)

Waddya do with extra paychecks? I know -- there's always room for 'extra' money. (From Punch Debt in the Face) 

One person dead, seven others hurt -- due to a lightning strike on Trail Ridge Road. In Rocky Mountain National Park, that is.  In another nature-based fatality:

A Missouri dad dies from snakebite after he picks up a copperhead to show his son. The man was dead in a half-hour...go figure.

Farting gas helps reduce dementia and heart disease -- or so this study says. (The Brick is ecstatic at the news.)

Adventures of a modern hermit. Or is she, really? I find it rather ironic that said interview about "I left this tech-mad become a babe in the woods" is accompanied by photos of said babe, was obviously typed on a computer and sent via the Internet. Apparently, those items don't count.

Now that's some kind of fish snack, says this kitty...

 Have a great week -- preferably not on the road!

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First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...