Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Monday (Wednesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Back on the Air

...I'm glad to be here. 

Lesson learned: when you're teaching at a folk art school that emphasizes the old arts, you're probably not going to be able to access WiFi (or cellphones, for that matter) that easily. Although texts seem to slip through, about the only way I can get online is by hanging out in the study in a certain building. It's a beautiful one -- heavily built stone fireplace with hand-carved wooden piece above, lots of wood in both floors and walls...and a rowdy group playing euchre in the corner while I'm typing away. 
    Otherwise, it's been starvation alley in the technology department, folks. Although we've had a wonderful time doing pioneer quilting in the Fiber Arts studio this week. Here are photos of the 'Hole in the Barn Door' blocks we got done on Monday. Aren't they wonderful!

Marie's version...with Susie's next door, in brown textures

Eugenia's block - note her clever fussy-cut floral center block

Seven of 8 students' blocks...different tastes, different colors!

     Not many items this week, as a result...but they're good ones.

Why it's so hard to get a personal mortgage approved...from a loan officer's viewpoint. (From Financial Samurai; he's got a bunch of interesting articles right now on this subject.)

A heartbreaking personal ad...until you read the last line!

Twenty most common habits of rich people. Hmmmm...

Camels, Vikings and Sphinxes...on table clocks? Yep, and they're rare. See this preview article to a Skinner Auctions upcoming event. 

And a wonderful Mental Floss article: forgotten artifacts, found, that are worth millions. 
(Their article on post-mortem photos is a doozy, too.)

From yours truly, via Midlife Financedealing with stress and  when someone you love is really sick.    (Guess who I'm talking about -- the Mama, of course. She's slowly doing better, by the way.)

Plus a video from the John Campbell School of Folk Art, my current home -- and their fall festival.

I hope you're having a good week. 

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First Day of Spring

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