Saturday, July 19, 2014

Still Williamsburg...But Not For Long

Today was the last day of the PAAQT appraisers conference. We finished off with the annual meeting and a talk by Laura Fisher, New York City dealer extraordinaire, and the author of several incredible books, including Quilts of Illusion and my personal favorite, Home Sweet Home. (It's an analysis of house designs in textiles, including quilts and samplers. What can I quilts just make me happy.)

I had planned to spend the afternoon vegging, but instead, went back to the museum with Laura. We had fun analyzing the quilts and samplers on display. She has a good eye for detail, as well, and pointed out several things I hadn't even noticed on the first trip through a few days ago. Then we had supper at the Shields Tavern. (The Fish House punch was particularly good.) Actually heard this guy playing there:

    The violinist with him played a slow, meditative melody that suddenly made me long for home and the Brick. The tune? "Westering Home." No wonder.

We walked down the street to attend a candlelight organ concert at the church three blocks down. Then back to the hotel, and a quick swim.

What a nice way to end an interesting day.

Leaving tomorrow morning to start heading north to Maine Quilts.

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First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...