Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Rain

A wonderful weekend in the mountains, being heartstruck by the fall colors -- wave after wave of bright yellow (and occasionally bright orange) leaves assault the eyes and senses. We may not have Michigan's mesmerizing reds...but boy, do we make up for it in the other autumn colors. Against the mountains and pine forest, they're amazing.
     Today, it's been bleary and rainy all day. Drippy gray skies, lots of rumbling and grumbling. (Charley and Abby are very nervous about all this, and have spent the day huddled near my feet -- they hate all the thunder and fuss.) 
     Don't feel sorry for us, though -- we get so little rain here that an all-day event is a wonderful thing. Sure, my wash is on the line...but it can handle an extra rinse. Meanwhiel:

23 things only left-handers worry about. This list must have been written by a right-hander. They don't realize how often left-handers have learned to adapt. How do I know this? Yes, I'm left-handed. You can also find out who else is...

Famous left-handers, that is.

Make your own bacon bits. (From Creative Savings Blog)

"Sometimes I'm a hermit." (From Cash Cow Couple)

Ten commandments of small-space living...including how to make this insanely cool side table. (From Apartment Therapy)

Barbara Brackman's report on the recent American Quilt Study Group conference. Next year, it's Sept. 9-13 in Indianapolis. Boy, I'm tempted...

"I lived off the land..." but it's not what you think. (From the New York Times) 

Thirteen freebies you can take advantage of.  (From AARP)

Should you give gifts of things you got at the thrift shop? (From Fine Diving Chicago)

A white orca -- only one other sighting has ever been noted.

Have a great week. And go play in the rain!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...