Friday, September 19, 2014

Yet Another Chicken Update -- and Scotland says NO

It's hard to believe -- Scotland voted NO to independence from England. The vote was close -- 55% vs 45% -- and at least one large town (Glasgow) voted for separation. No matter.
     Wow. Is it my American sense of independence that's puzzled? It may have been uncomfortable in the short term, but I can't help but believe they threw a huge opportunity away here.

It's a pretty, sunny Friday...but the temp is slowly dropping. We're due to have colder weather and rain this weekend. Tomorrow is the funeral of a dear friend, Roger Marken. The Brick, friend Jo and yours truly will be singing at the funeral, then helping out afterwards at lunch. We've known roger and his wife Judy for some years now, since their move from California. Roger was quiet, thoughtful and had his funny moments. We will miss him very much. So will Judy, and his family and other friends.

I have work and grocery shopping to do -- but a few more things to tell you about.

After I read this Friend-of-chickens report, I figured you might enjoy knowing what's going on at the House of Brick lately in this department. (It's very amusing to have friends ask about the chickens' health, and what they're doing...)
     The 'baby' chicks, some red-combed beauties, have finally started to lay. The only problem -- they don't know that they're supposed to do it in the nesting boxes! We find eggs here and there in the coop, and I keep having to check in various places out in the yard. The stinkers...
     We need to butcher 3 or 4 hens who aren't working for their keep. Maybe this weekend.

No news yet on any more Bigfoot sightings. But then, Keith's not back from his hunting trip in the mountains. Have to wait and see.
    This is a cool video from Virginia..look ahead of the four-wheeler, and you'll see what they call the Woodbooger:

Maybe a coyote call will bring him in -- it sure helped for this guy.

Want a free potpie? If you have an account with a grocery store that's part of the Kroger family, you can download a FREE coupon for a Marie Callender's potpie. The store in our neck of the woods is King Soopers -- and you must download today (9/19) only. (You don't have to use the coupon, however, until early October.) Go here -- it's easy to sign up, too. Worth it, when you get a free item coupon every friday.


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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries