Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: The Football Edition

September is here...and football is back. 

Hey, like George (seen below), we've MISSED football.

Pro ball is great, especially when the Broncos are doing well. And it was a pleasure to see them (barely) beat the Colts last night. 
     But I'll be even happier when college ball kicks in big-time. CU (the University of Colorado) is not looking very promising this year -- but I luuuuv watching Georgia's defensive line. (Goooo, Bulldogs! Wuff wuuf wuuffff...)  And, of course, there's always:

Yes, Notre Dame beat the crap out of Michigan, 31-0 this past weekend. I'm trying to forget.

Mug cakes recipe card.   Make a really fast dessert, using your favorite mug -- and the microwave. (From Betty Crocker)

Salad in A Cup -- from Moneysaving Mom. 

Recipes for poor folks. Must be time-crunched ones, too, because these are all quick to make. And they sound good. (From Taste of Home)  I just signed up for the Budget Living forum -- hey, an old girl's never too old to learn! One of the recent posts featured nearly 30 ideas for "your best inexpensive meal for 4 people." Even better: a post called "How Thrifty Are You?"

You'll also enjoy this Poor Man's Cookbook, from the cooks at Just A Pinch(Access it from here, if you couldn't get the other link to work.)

And these meal suggestions for a broke college student. (Been there. I know.)

Side hustles -- 10 quick ways to make an extra buck. From yours truly, via Midlife Finance. And from same:

My take on thrift shopping. (I'm certainly not agin' it!)

Should you recline on an airline...or shouldn't? A Denver guy got in big trouble recently for using a "Seat Defender" tool that kept the passenger in front of him reclining. A big fight ensued.

21 wittiest comebacks. (From

The chickens are picking up in laying -- 8-11 eggs daily. That makes our customers happy...and we get to have omelets now and then, as well. We'll have to start turning their in-coop light on for a few hours, though, to keep up the trend. The chickens, not the customers... Chickies need at least 12 hours of daylight (or failing that, artificial light) to lay properly.The explanation is weirder than the need to do it: something about the pituitary gland behind their eyes that calibrates egg-laying, It's triggered by seasonal light...but you can keep them going by turning on a lightbulb inside the coop in the evening. Makes them look like fan dancers in the shadows streaming out from the windows. I'm sure it entertains the local fox. Based on Charley's (our dog) response, the fox comes by for the show nearly every night.

Have a great week.  

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries