Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Got Milk? You May Be Eligible for Up to $30 Refund

Have you purchased milk or dairy products for your household, business or group in the past decade or so? You may be able to cash in on the Bought Milk class action lawsuit that was settled recently. 


Me, too?

Requirements aren't that big a deal. You must:

*Live in Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia or Wisconsin.
        (We're out of luck here in Colorado, but our Michigan relatives are eligible. You may well qualify, too.)

*Have purchased milk or dairy goods sometime from 2003 until now.

*Fill out a brief claimant form.

*Do it by Jan. 31, 2017.

Dairy producers are accused of killing up to 500,000 cows, so milk prices could artificially be kept high. They agreed to a settlement recently. (No doubt the lawyers got their share, too.)

Hurry and apply -- you've only got a few weeks to take advantage of this.

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