Ever have that feeling?
Maybe it's getting over the flu. Any energy dissipates quickly.
Maybe it's finishing several jobs. (And having more to do.)
Maybe it's our crazy weather. Up, down -- snow/none, warm/absolutely icicles. Bare ground, accented with lovely gray snowcrusts -- and an icy driveway. We're due for more snow early this week.
Maybe it's a night or two of very little sleep. The Brick's hip has been acting up, and the poor guy was having trouble walking or getting comfortable. It's much better today (whew), but he spent the night thrashing around. Which meant I got about zippo sleep, too. Just before...
a day I had to take care of my dogsitting responsibilities, get the car cleaned off...
and still get to Worship Team practice at the crazy hour of 7:30 a.m.
Think I'll make it to bed early. Tomorrow's bound to be better. As Frugal Mom in Boise points out, better to take it one day at a time.
Ten recently discovered secret caches. (From Listverse)
Best items scavenged in 2016, from the guy who does this for a living. (Things I Find In the Garbage)
'Super quick, super cheap' laundry detergent. Gotta try this one. (From Harvest Lane Cottage)
A woman gets thrown off a plane...for a very interesting reason!
Little money hacks that pay off. (From Oprah.com)
The winter mantel. Decorations for after the tree, before the spring flowers. (From The Shabby Creek Cottage)
Popular kitchen pinterest posts. (From Hometalk)
Dealing with increased electrical costs...this cold winter. (From Living Rich on the Cheap)
De-cluttering in a post-apocalyptic world. It's not what you think! (From the New Yorker)
Secrets the cruise ships didn't tell you. (From Cruise Critic)
A floor...made from pennies? And it looks wonderful. (From Pretty Purple Door)
Helping Mrs. HB get control of her grocery budget -- Week Two. You read Part I last week; now the saga continues. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)
A snowplow's forced off the road in Utah -- and heads 300 feet down the cliff. (The driver survived. Wow.)
Have a great week.

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