Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Packing...Packing...and Repacking

Wait a second. Why did we want to strip out our house, sell it and move into a much smaller trailer? What were we thinking when we decided to sell a boatload of stuff, donate another boatload (or two)...and somehow get everything we need into a space 1/4 the size?
    We must be nuts. But at least, we'll be tidier, more organized nuts.

National Park lifetime passes for seniors are going up! We're talking $80. (The current price is $10.) National Park Service is saying they'll do this 'sometime in 2017.' Oh boy. (The Brick turns 62 in late February...please, NPS, not yet!)

The woman whose accusations triggered a civil rights murder decades ago...finally admits that she lied. (She does confess "tender sorrow" for the victim's mother -- which she finally related to, she says, after she lost her own son. As if that makes it okay.)
            See if you can read this interview without feeling a little sick inside. What an evil woman.

The Fed Ex driver who dared step up and keep an American flag from being burned. Good for him. (Fed Ex is pretty mum on the subject, so far, except to say that it investigates personnel matters internally.)

The January doldrums. I can relate.  Bet you can, too. (From Life After Money)

Easy cheesy chili dip.  Three ingredients -- Super Bowl?  (From Thrifty Mom in Boise) Try her homemade laundry detergent, too.

Ten heroic police officers who died during 9/11.  (From Listverse)

Ten things you can do to save money this week.  (From The Prudent Homemaker)

Dinner prep: five minutes.  (From Betty Crocker)

Mary Tyler Moore died last week. What an intriguing person.

"How I save money"...from a 12-year-old's point of view. (And her financial fears, as well.  Thanks, Len Penzo)

A bead-collecting stewardess ends up leaving a bundle, when her beads -- many of them old and extremely rare -- are sold at auction.  (From Fox Business)

Barbara Hale died -- yes, Perry Mason's secretary. "I guess I was just meant to be a secretary who doesn't take shorthand," she once said. "I'm a lousy typist, too -- 33 words a minute."  Hale was 94.

Mike Connors also died.  He was 91. I loved his "Mannix" -- a little rough around the edges, but he would help anyone who deserved it, and beat the crap out of anyone who didn't. What a guy.

An easy, budget-priced -- and holistic -- carpet freshener. For my 'green' readers!  (From Hometalk)

Redo your kitchen cabinets -- with milk paint.  (From At Home With the Ellingtons)

Remember the penny floor from last week's 'Stuff?'  This one's even better -- and you can see it, step by step.

Getting giving up.   (From Reach Financial Independence)

Mrs. HB works on her grocery budget -- week 3. You can see Weeks 1 & 2 here, via earlier "Monday Stuff" posts. Or go here.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

Sprinkle bowls for ice cream? I was surprised at how easy the DYI for this was. (From This Heart of Mine)

A pilgrimage to Sylvia Plath's grave.  I have always wondered what this great writer's gravestone looked like. Actually, other than the pens (and spare change!) adorning it, the grave looks small...and a little sad. Her husband Ted grew up in this part of Yorkshire, and Sylvia actually wrote a poem about the graveyard she's buried in. Weird.  (From A Life By Design)

An archeologist gets in huge trouble...for daring to use the words 'Temple Mount' during a site tour.  The Islamic guards insisted it only be referred to as Haram al-Sharif, the Muslim term for the area. So much for the Jewish connection, I guess.  (From the Temple Mount Sifting Project)

Back to packing. At least the house will look SOOOO much better -- for a while, anyways.

Just don't pack me, Mom!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.