Sunday, January 15, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: White Stuff

Well, it's about time this newest snowstorm showed up.
     It's been sooooo dry -- and around here, we know what a dry climate's like. Any amount of moisture is not only gratefully welcomed -- it's wished for. So what have we had these past months? A good blizzard or two, then just a faint scraping of snow now and then. 
     My poor garden. Every fresh flake of snow means it might actually be possible to grow stuff in the spring. 

Ironically, in spite of subzero temperatures, the turnip greens are doing just that. 
     Right now.

In keeping with yesterday's post:  24 different ways to build a snowman. (From Mommyshorts)

Finding an early 19th century teapot stand at a bargain price...when you originally thought it was early 20th century.  That's the kind of mistake we all hope to make! (From the Spode History Blog)

Two women who wear pjs to get groceries respond to the guy who posted their photos for the world to see. (Actually, I can see valid points on both sides of this story.)

Do you love the look of fine machine quilting? I just found Debbie Stanton's blog. This award-winning machine quilter is amazing. She's also willing to share some of her tricks and special techniques.

More classics from the Dog Hall of Shame.   (From Life With Lynn)  Including these two gems:

Buck, our Weimie, used to do this. 

Ever see an upside-down waterfall? Thanks to high winds in California, now you can say yes. (From

Who just got snubbed at a White House press conference -- and who got snubbed in the past? The answers to both questions will surprise you. (I sure didn't know.)

21 movie roles hated by the actors who made them. Yes, Mark Wahlberg, The Happening WAS ridiculous -- you're absolutely right.  (From Cracked)   Also:

Five famous people who survived events (sometimes multiple ones) that should have killed them.

Ten definitive pieces of evidence that PROVE the Holocaust really happened. (From Listverse)

Ten mysterious messages...hidden under and beneath other texts!  (From Listverse)

"Helping Mrs. HB get control of her grocery budget." A hands-on experiment in reducing food costs, done by the author of One Hundred Bucks A Month.

The 17 most notable moments in last week's Golden Globes awards. Three cheers especially for Ryan Gosling!   (From Urban Daddy National)

Have a great week. If you've got snow, too...why not go out and play in it?

thanks for the idea, Pinterest

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.